If you have already set up a connector, skip to How to Use the Google Drive Connector.
To connect your Google Drive folder to Abacus.AI, follow these steps to set up the connector:
You can also setup a folder level connector after selecting "Switch to folder level connector". Enter your Google Drive folder URL, and click "Save". You will then need to setup service account configuration to complete the setup.
A service account email address will be automatically generated for you during the setup process. This email is essential for granting folder access.
If the folder is not public, you need to share it with the service account and assign the appropriate permissions:
Navigate to your Google Drive and locate the folder you wish to connect.
Right-click on the folder and select "Share".
Enter the service account email provided in the setup instructions.
Assign the permission level of "Viewer".
Click "Send" to share the folder.
After sharing your folder with the service account, return to the connector setup page to verify that the connector setup is complete.
Once the Google Drive connector is set up, you can fetch data to train models in Abacus.AI.
Specify the regex location of the files to fetch. This is a required field, but you can use the application browser to select the file or folder to pull.
If you want to include highlighting for documents in the doc viewer, enable the "Extract Bounding Boxes" advanced option.
After configuring the data import options, proceed to upload the dataset.
Once the dataset is uploaded, configure the schema mapping and train models with the data.