Confluence Connector Documentation

If you have already set up a connector, skip to How to Use the Confluence Connector.

Connect your Confluence to Abacus.AI

To enable the integration of Confluence with Abacus.AI, you need to generate an API token in Confluence for authentication purposes.

  1. Visit the Atlassian API token creation page at and generate a new API token. Remember to copy the token after creation.

Confluence API Token Creation

  1. In the Abacus.AI web interface, click on your profile picture in the top right corner.

Abacus Profile

  1. From the dropdown menu, select "Manage Connectors".

Manage Connectors

  1. Click on "Add New Connector", choose "Confluence" from the list, and enter the required information including the API token you generated earlier. Click "Save" to finish setting up the connector.

Add New Confluence Connector

How to Use the Confluence Connector

Once the Confluence connector is set up, you can fetch data to train models in Abacus.AI.

  1. Create a new project and select the use case, then go to the "Datasets" tab and click "Create Dataset".

Create Dataset

  1. Click on "Create New".

Create New Dataset

  1. Name the dataset, select the data type 'List of documents', and click "Continue".

Name Dataset

  1. Choose "Read from External Service" and select your Confluence connector under "Connected Application Connectors".

Read from External Service

  1. Under "File location", click the "Browse" button. This will open an application browser where you can select the Confluence space(s) you want to pull data from. The multi-space functionality allows you to select multiple spaces at once.


  1. If you want to include attachments in your dataset, check the "Pull Attachments" option.

  2. Select any additional document processing configuration desired under "Advanced Options."

  3. After the dataset is uploaded, configure the schema mapping and proceed to train models with the data.

Train Model with Data