Step 1. Connect chatLLM deployments to your work messaging platform

In the Abacus UI, select your profile in the top right


And select Manage Connectors


Then select Add New Connector, then your preferred messaging platform (Slack, Teams, etc), then authenticate with your workspace. See the example with Slack below as a guide:



After authenticating, you will be sent back to the connectors page. Navigate to "Application Connectors", and find your newly made connector, which at this point is "Invalid". Select the "Verify" button as shown below to verify the connector. The example below shows Microsoft Teams. connector-5

After authenticating and verifying, you must add external deployments to your Abacus external chatllm workspace in order to have deployments to query.

Adding an External Deployment for your Messaging Connector

Navigate to https://<your_workspace_here\> . If you do not know your chatllm URL or your workspace, please talk to an admin or your Abacus contact. Once signed in, you should see a page like this. Click on Create New External Application


You will see a page like below. Fill in the name, project, and deployment you want to use for your External Application.


If you do not see the deployment you want to use, make sure it is active. You can check if it's active by navigating to<your_project_id> . If the status is Suspended, click Re-Start on the Actions bar. It will take a few minutes to re-start, but once the Status is Active, you should see it in the Deployments drop-down.


After doing Step 1 and 2, you will need to do a step 3 for Teams Connector where you will install the Bot in your organization

After doing all these steps you can start using the Slack/Teams Bot in your organization.

FAQs on Error messages while using the chatbot:

If while using the chatbot you get the message: