How to use the App for Slack into your Slack workspace

Before you can query in Slack, you must setup a Slack connector in the Abacus platform (as a logged in Abacus user). Please refer to Connect chatLLM deployments to your work messaging platform. For Slack, once you've set up the connector in Abacus, the Abacus.AI app should show up in your Slack workspace.

Abacus.AI now supports both slash commands and conversational ability.

Note: Slash commands do not support conversations as threads do not allow for them.

How to Use New Conversational Ability

Here are the following commands you can use to interact with the bots:




how to ask for help from the bot @Abacus.AI help:


You can also navigate to the bot message tab, where you can interact with the bot without using the @Abacus.AI tag.

list the chatbot names in App message tab:



start the conversation with the chatbot in App message tab:


Instructions for Registering with the Slack App

Notes on the Registration Process:

Note on Slash commands

Slash command will continue to work the existing way. You can use the following commands to interact with the bots:


Sample Response will be like:


If the conversation does not work in your organization, you will need to create a new connector in the same way you created your existing connector. This is because we are asking for some additional permissions to make conversations work. Follow the instructions on this page Connect chatLLM deployments to your work messaging platform


If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please reach out to us at

Some Important Information:


The bot can be used in public, private, direct messaging as long as the bot has been added there. Also you can use the bot in app's message tab.

To Use bot in direct messaging, you will need to add the bot to your direct messaging channel.
