describeTrainTestDataSplitFeatureGroupVersion GET
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Get the train and test data split for a trained model by model version. This is only supported for models with custom algorithms.


Yes modelVersion str The unique version ID of the model version.
Note: The arguments for the API methods follow camelCase but for Python SDK underscore_case is followed.


success Boolean true if the call succeeded, false if there was an error
result FeatureGroupVersion
KEY TYPE Description
featureGroupVersion str The unique identifier for this materialized version of feature group.
featureGroupId str The unique identifier of the feature group this version belongs to.
sql str The sql definition creating this feature group.
sourceTables List[str] The source tables for this feature group.
sourceDatasetVersions List[str] The dataset version ids for this feature group version.
createdAt str The timestamp at which the feature group version was created.
status str The current status of the feature group version.
error str Relevant error if the status is FAILED.
deployable bool whether feature group is deployable or not.
cpuSize str Cpu size specified for the python feature group.
memory int Memory in GB specified for the python feature group.
useOriginalCsvNames bool If true, the feature group will use the original column names in the source dataset.
pythonFunctionBindings list Config specifying variable names, types, and values to use when resolving a Python feature group.
indexingConfigWarningMsg str The warning message related to indexing keys.
materializationStartedAt str The timestamp at which the feature group materialization started.
materializationCompletedAt str The timestamp at which the feature group materialization completed.
columns List[Feature] List of resolved columns.
templateBindings list Template variable bindings used for resolving the template.
features Feature List of features.
KEY TYPE Description
name str The unique name of the column
selectClause str The sql logic for creating this feature's data
featureMapping str The Feature Mapping of the feature
sourceTable str The source table of the column
originalName str The original name of the column
usingClause str Nested Column Using Clause
orderClause str Nested Column Ordering Clause
whereClause str Nested Column Where Clause
featureType str Feature Type of the Feature
dataType str Data Type of the Feature
detectedFeatureType str The detected feature type of the column
detectedDataType str The detected data type of the column
columns NestedFeature Nested Features
KEY TYPE Description
name str The unique name of the column
selectClause str The sql logic for creating this feature's data
featureType str Feature Type of the Feature
featureMapping str The Feature Mapping of the feature
dataType str Data Type of the Feature
sourceTable str The source table of the column
originalName str The original name of the column
pointInTimeInfo PointInTimeFeature Point in time column information
KEY TYPE Description
historyTableName str The name of the history table. If not specified, the current table is used for a self-join.
aggregationKeys List[str] List of keys to use for joining the historical table and performing the window aggregation.
timestampKey str Name of feature which contains the timestamp value for the point-in-time feature.
historicalTimestampKey str Name of feature which contains the historical timestamp.
lookbackWindowSeconds float If window is specified in terms of time, the number of seconds in the past from the current time for the start of the window.
lookbackWindowLagSeconds float Optional lag to offset the closest point for the window. If it is positive, the start of the window is delayed. If it is negative, we are looking at the "future" rows in the history table.
lookbackCount int If window is specified in terms of count, the start position of the window (0 is the current row).
lookbackUntilPosition int Optional lag to offset the closest point for the window. If it is positive, the start of the window is delayed by that many rows. If it is negative, we are looking at those many "future" rows in the history table.
expression str SQL aggregate expression which can convert a sequence of rows into a scalar value.
groupName str The group name this point-in-time feature belongs to.
pointInTimeGroups PointInTimeGroup List of Point In Time Groups
KEY TYPE Description
groupName str The name of the point in time group
windowKey str Name of feature which contains the timestamp value for the point in time feature
aggregationKeys list List of keys to use for join the historical table and performing the window aggregation.
lookbackWindow float Number of seconds in the past from the current time for start of the window.
lookbackWindowLag float Optional lag to offset the closest point for the window. If it is positive, we delay the start of window. If it is negative, we are looking at the "future" rows in the history table.
lookbackCount int If window is specified in terms of count, the start position of the window (0 is the current row)
lookbackUntilPosition int Optional lag to offset the closest point for the window. If it is positive, we delay the start of window by that many rows. If it is negative, we are looking at those many "future" rows in the history table.
historyTableName str The table to use for aggregating, if not provided, the source table will be used
historyWindowKey str Name of feature to use for ordering the rows on the history table. If not provided, the windowKey from the source table will be used
historyAggregationKeys list List of keys to use for join the historical table and performing the window aggregation. If not provided, the aggregationKeys from the source table will be used. Must be the same length and order as the source table's aggregationKeys
features PointInTimeGroupFeature List of features in the Point in Time group
KEY TYPE Description
name str The name of the feature
expression str SQL Aggregate expression which can convert a sequence of rows into a scalar value.
pitOperationType str The operation used in point in time feature generation
pitOperationConfig dict The configuration used as input to the operation type
codeSource CodeSource If a python feature group, information on the source code
KEY TYPE Description
sourceType str The type of the source, one of TEXT, PYTHON, FILE_UPLOAD, or APPLICATION_CONNECTOR
sourceCode str If the type of the source is TEXT, the raw text of the function
applicationConnectorId str The Application Connector to fetch the code from
applicationConnectorInfo str Args passed to the application connector to fetch the code
packageRequirements list The pip package dependencies required to run the code
status str The status of the code and validations
error str If the status is failed, an error message describing what went wrong
publishingMsg dict Warnings in the source code
moduleDependencies list The list of internal modules dependencies required to run the code
annotationConfig AnnotationConfig The annotations config for the feature group.
KEY TYPE Description
featureAnnotationConfigs list List of feature annotation configs
labels list List of labels
statusFeature str Name of the feature that contains the status of the annotation (Optional)
commentsFeatures list Features that contain comments for the annotation (Optional)
metadataFeature str Name of the feature that contains the metadata for the annotation (Optional)
indexingConfig IndexingConfig The indexing config for the feature group.
KEY TYPE Description
primaryKey str A single key index
updateTimestampKey str The primary timestamp feature
lookupKeys List[str] A multi-key index. Cannot be used in conjuction with primary key.