Creates a batch prediction job description for the given deployment.
POSTstartBatchPredictionCreates a new batch prediction version job for a given batch prediction job description.
GETdownloadBatchPredictionResultChunkReturns a stream containing the batch prediction results.
GETgetBatchPredictionConnectorErrorsReturns a stream containing the batch prediction database connection write errors, if any writes failed for the specified batch prediction job.
GETlistBatchPredictionsRetrieves a list of batch predictions in the project.
GETdescribeBatchPredictionDescribe the batch prediction.
GETlistBatchPredictionVersionsRetrieves a list of versions of a given batch prediction
GETdescribeBatchPredictionVersionDescribes a Batch Prediction Version.
POSTupdateBatchPredictionUpdate a batch prediction job description.
POSTsetBatchPredictionFileConnectorOutputUpdates the file connector output configuration of the batch prediction
POSTsetBatchPredictionDatabaseConnectorOutputUpdates the database connector output configuration of the batch prediction
POSTsetBatchPredictionFeatureGroupOutputCreates a feature group and sets it as the batch prediction output.
POSTsetBatchPredictionOutputToConsoleSets the batch prediction output to the console, clearing both the file connector and database connector configurations.
POSTsetBatchPredictionFeatureGroupSets the batch prediction input feature group.
POSTsetBatchPredictionDatasetRemapFor the purpose of this batch prediction, will swap out datasets in the training feature groups
DELETEdeleteBatchPredictionDeletes a batch prediction and associated data, such as associated monitors.
GETgetBatchPredictionVersionLogsRetrieves the batch prediction logs.