Retrieves the full initial description of the model training configuration options available for the specified project. The configuration options available are determined by the use case associated with the specified project. Refer to the [Use Case Documentation]({USE_CASES_URL}) for more information on use cases and use case-specific configuration options.
GETdescribeTrainTestDataSplitFeatureGroupGet the train and test data split for a trained model by its unique identifier. This is only supported for models with custom algorithms.
GETdescribeTrainTestDataSplitFeatureGroupVersionGet the train and test data split for a trained model by model version. This is only supported for models with custom algorithms.
POSTcreateTrainTestDataSplitFeatureGroupGet the train and test data split without training the model. Only supported for models with custom algorithms.
POSTtrainModelCreate a new model and start its training in the given project.
POSTcreateModelFromPythonInitializes a new Model from user-provided Python code. If a list of input feature groups is supplied, they will be provided as arguments to the train and predict functions with the materialized feature groups for those input feature groups.
GETlistModelsRetrieves the list of models in the specified project.
GETdescribeModelRetrieves a full description of the specified model.
PATCHrenameModelRenames a model
POSTupdatePythonModelUpdates an existing Python Model using user-provided Python code. If a list of input feature groups is supplied, they will be provided as arguments to the `train` and `predict` functions with the materialized feature groups for those input feature groups.
POSTupdatePythonModelZipUpdates an existing Python Model using a provided zip file. If a list of input feature groups are supplied, they will be provided as arguments to the train and predict functions with the materialized feature groups for those input feature groups.
POSTupdatePythonModelGitUpdates an existing Python model using an existing Git application connector. If a list of input feature groups are supplied, these will be provided as arguments to the train and predict functions with the materialized feature groups for those input feature groups.
PATCHsetModelTrainingConfigEdits the default model training config
POSTsetModelObjectiveSets the best model for all model instances of the model based on the specified metric, and updates the training configuration to use the specified metric for any future model versions.
PATCHsetModelPredictionParamsSets the model prediction config for the model
GETgetModelMetricsRetrieves metrics for all the algorithms trained in this model version.
GETgetFeatureGroupSchemasForModelVersionGets the schema (including feature mappings) for all feature groups used in the model version.
GETlistModelVersionsRetrieves a list of versions for a given model.
POSTretrainModelRetrains the specified model, with an option to choose the deployments to which the retraining will be deployed.
DELETEdeleteModelDeletes the specified model and all its versions. Models which are currently used in deployments cannot be deleted.
DELETEdeleteModelVersionDeletes the specified model version. Model versions which are currently used in deployments cannot be deleted.
POSTexportModelArtifactAsFeatureGroupExports metric artifact data for a model as a feature group.
GETdescribeModelVersionRetrieves a full description of the specified model version.
GETgetFeatureImportanceByModelVersionGets the feature importance calculated by various methods for the model.
GETgetTrainingDataLogsRetrieves the data preparation logs during model training.
POSTsetDefaultModelAlgorithmSets the model's algorithm to default for all new deployments
GETgetTrainingLogsReturns training logs for the model.
POSTgetCustomTrainFunctionInfoReturns information about how to call the custom train function.
POSTexportCustomModelVersionBundle custom model artifacts to a zip file, and export to the specified location.
GETdescribeModelArtifactsExportGet the description and status of the model artifacts export.
GETlistModelArtifactsExportsList all the model artifacts exports.