Returns a document retriever that stores embeddings for document chunks in a feature group.
POSTrenameDocumentRetrieverUpdates an existing document retriever.
POSTcreateDocumentRetrieverVersionCreates a document retriever version from the latest version of the feature group that the document retriever associated with.
GETlistDocumentRetrieversList all the document retrievers.
GETdescribeDocumentRetrieverDescribe a Document Retriever.
GETdescribeDocumentRetrieverByNameDescribe a document retriever by its name.
DELETEdeleteDocumentRetrieverDelete a Document Retriever.
DELETEdeleteDocumentRetrieverVersionDelete a document retriever version.
GETlistDocumentRetrieverVersionsList all the document retriever versions with a given ID.
GETdescribeDocumentRetrieverVersionDescribe a document retriever version.
POSTgetMatchingDocumentsLookup document retrievers and return the matching documents from the document retriever deployed with given query.
POSTgetDocumentSnippetGet a snippet from documents in the document retriever.
POSTrestartDocumentRetrieverRestart the document retriever if it is stopped or has failed. This will start the deployment of the document retriever,
POSTgetRelevantSnippetsRetrieves snippets relevant to a given query from specified documents. This function supports flexible input options,