Creates a new AI agent using the given agent workflow graph definition.
POSTupdateAgentUpdates an existing AI Agent. A new version of the agent will be created and published.
GETdownloadAgentAttachmentReturn an agent attachment.
POSTgenerateAgentCodeGenerates the code for defining an AI Agent
GETdescribeAgentRetrieves a full description of the specified model.
GETdescribeAgentVersionRetrieves a full description of the specified agent version.
POSTevaluatePromptGenerate response to the prompt using the specified model.
GETsearchFeatureGroupsSearch feature groups based on text and filters.
POSTrenderFeatureGroupsForLLMEncode feature groups as language model inputs.
POSTgenerateCodeForDataQueryUsingLLMExecute a data query using a large language model in an async fashion.
POSTextractDataUsingLLMExtract fields from a document using a large language model.
POSTsearchWebForLLMAccess web search providers to fetch content related to the queries for use in large language model inputs.
POSTfetchWebPageScrapes the content of a web page and returns it as a string.
POSTconstructAgentConversationMessagesForLLMReturns conversation history in a format for LLM calls.
GETlistAgentsRetrieves the list of agents in the specified project.
GETlistAgentVersionsList all versions of an agent.
POSTvalidateWorkflowGraphValidates the workflow graph for an AI Agent.
POSTextractAgentWorkflowInformationExtracts source code of workflow graph, ancestors, in_edges and traversal orders from the agent workflow.
GETcopyAgentCreates a copy of the input agent