Returns the feature group deployed in the feature store project.
POSTpredictReturns a prediction for Predictive Modeling
POSTpredictMultipleReturns a list of predictions for predictive modeling.
POSTpredictFromDatasetsReturns a list of predictions for Predictive Modeling.
POSTpredictLeadReturns the probability of a user being a lead based on their interaction with the service/product and their own attributes (e.g. income, assets, credit score, etc.). Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, should be the column names in the dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'user_id' mapped to mapping 'LEAD_ID' in our system).
POSTpredictChurnReturns the probability of a user to churn out in response to their interactions with the item/product/service. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, will be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'churn_result' mapped to mapping 'CHURNED_YN' in our system).
POSTpredictTakeoverReturns a probability for each class label associated with the types of fraud or a 'yes' or 'no' type label for the possibility of fraud. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, will be the column names in the dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g., column 'account_name' mapped to mapping 'ACCOUNT_ID' in our system).
POSTpredictFraudReturns the probability of a transaction performed under a specific account being fraudulent or not. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, should be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'account_number' mapped to the mapping 'ACCOUNT_ID' in our system).
POSTpredictClassReturns a classification prediction
POSTpredictTargetReturns a prediction from a classification or regression model. Optionally, includes explanations.
POSTgetAnomaliesReturns a list of anomalies from the training dataset.
POSTgetTimeseriesAnomaliesReturns a list of anomalous timestamps from the training dataset.
POSTisAnomalyReturns a list of anomaly attributes based on login information for a specified account. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, should be the column names in the dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'account_name' mapped to mapping 'ACCOUNT_ID' in our system).
POSTgetEventAnomalyScoreReturns an anomaly score for an event.
POSTgetForecastReturns a list of forecasts for a given entity under the specified project deployment. Note that the inputs to the deployed model will be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'holiday_yn' mapped to mapping 'FUTURE' in our system).
POSTgetKNearestReturns the k nearest neighbors for the provided embedding vector.
POSTgetMultipleKNearestReturns the k nearest neighbors for the queries provided.
POSTgetLabelsReturns a list of scored labels for a document.
POSTgetEntitiesFromPDFExtracts text from the provided PDF and returns a list of recognized labels and their scores.
POSTgetRecommendationsReturns a list of recommendations for a given user under the specified project deployment. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, will be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'time' mapped to mapping 'TIMESTAMP' in our system).
POSTgetPersonalizedRankingReturns a list of items with personalized promotions for a given user under the specified project deployment. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, should be the column names in the dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'item_code' mapped to mapping 'ITEM_ID' in our system).
POSTgetRankedItemsReturns a list of re-ranked items for a selected user when a list of items is required to be reranked according to the user's preferences. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, will be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'item_code' mapped to mapping 'ITEM_ID' in our system).
POSTgetRelatedItemsReturns a list of related items for a given item under the specified project deployment. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, will be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'item_code' mapped to mapping 'ITEM_ID' in our system).
POSTgetChatResponseReturn a chat response which continues the conversation based on the input messages and search results.
POSTgetChatResponseWithBinaryDataReturn a chat response which continues the conversation based on the input messages and search results.
POSTgetStreamingChatResponseReturn an asynchronous generator which continues the conversation based on the input messages and search results.
POSTgetStreamingConversationResponseReturn an asynchronous generator which continues the conversation based on the input messages and search results.
POSTgetConversationResponseReturn a conversation response which continues the conversation based on the input message and deployment conversation id (if exists).
POSTgetConversationResponseWithBinaryDataReturn a conversation response which continues the conversation based on the input message and deployment conversation id (if exists).
POSTgetSearchResultsReturn the most relevant search results to the search query from the uploaded documents.
POSTgetSentimentPredicts sentiment on a document
POSTgetEntailmentPredicts the classification of the document
POSTgetClassificationPredicts the classification of the document
POSTgetSummaryReturns a JSON of the predicted summary for the given document. Note that the inputs to this method, wherever applicable, will be the column names in your dataset mapped to the column mappings in our system (e.g. column 'text' mapped to mapping 'DOCUMENT' in our system).
POSTpredictLanguagePredicts the language of the text
POSTgetAssignmentsGet all positive assignments that match a query.
POSTgetAlternativeAssignmentsGet alternative positive assignments for given query. Optimal assignments are ignored and the alternative assignments are returned instead.
POSTcheckConstraintsCheck for any constraints violated by the overrides.
POSTpredictWithBinaryDataMake predictions for a given blob, e.g. image, audio
POSTdescribeImageDescribe the similarity between an image and a list of categories.
POSTgetTextFromDocumentGenerate text from a document
POSTtranscribeAudioTranscribe the audio
POSTclassifyImageClassify an image.
POSTclassifyPDFReturns a classification prediction from a PDF
POSTgetClusterPredicts the cluster for given data.
POSTgetObjectsFromImageClassify an image.
POSTscoreImageScore on image.
POSTtransferStyleChange the source image to adopt the visual style from the style image.
POSTgenerateImageGenerate an image from text prompt.
POSTexecuteAgentExecutes a deployed AI agent function using the arguments as keyword arguments to the agent execute function.
POSTgetMatrixAgentSchemaExecutes a deployed AI agent function using the arguments as keyword arguments to the agent execute function.
POSTexecuteConversationAgentExecutes a deployed AI agent function using the arguments as keyword arguments to the agent execute function.
POSTlookupMatchesLookup document retrievers and return the matching documents from the document retriever deployed with given query.
POSTgetCompletionReturns the finetuned LLM generated completion of the prompt.
POSTexecuteAgentWithBinaryDataExecutes a deployed AI agent function with binary data as inputs.
POSTstartAutonomousAgentStarts a deployed Autonomous agent associated with the given deployment_conversation_id using the arguments and keyword arguments as inputs for execute function of trigger node.
POSTpauseAutonomousAgentPauses a deployed Autonomous agent associated with the given deployment_conversation_id.