These are the input classes that are available in the Python SDK. Use the links below to learn more about each class.
Batch Prediction Config for the AIAgents problem type
AIAgentTrainingConfigTraining config for the AI_AGENT problem type
AbacusUsageMetricsDatasetConfigDataset config for Abacus Usage Metrics Application Connector
AccuracyBelowThresholdConditionConfigAccuracy Below Threshold Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
AgentConversationMessageMessage format for agent conversation
AgentFlowButtonResponseSectionA response section that an AI Agent can return to render a button.
AlertActionConfigAn abstract class for alert action configs
AlertConditionConfigAn abstract class for alert condition configs
ApplicationConnectorDatasetConfigAn abstract class for dataset configs specific to application connectors.
AttachmentParsingConfigConfig information for parsing attachments
Base64ImageResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render a base64 image.
BatchPredictionArgsAn abstract class for Batch Prediction args specific to problem type.
BiasViolationConditionConfigBias Violation Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
BlobAn object for storing and passing file data.
BlobInputAn object for storing and passing file data.
BoxDatasetConfigDataset config for Box Application Connector
ChartResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render a chart.
ChatLLMBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the ChatLLM problem type
ChatLLMPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the CHAT_LLM problem type
ChatLLMTrainingConfigTraining config for the CHAT_LLM problem type
ClusteringTimeseriesTrainingConfigTraining config for the CLUSTERING_TIMESERIES problem type
ClusteringTrainingConfigTraining config for the CLUSTERING problem type
CodeResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render code.
CollapseResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render a collapsible component.
ConfluenceDatasetConfigDataset config for Confluence Application Connector
ConstraintConfigConstraint configuration.
ConstraintProjectFeatureGroupConfigConstraint project feature group configuration.
CrawlerTransformConfigTransform a input column of urls to html text
CumulativeForecastingPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the CUMULATIVE_FORECASTING problem type
CumulativeForecastingTrainingConfigTraining config for the CUMULATIVE_FORECASTING problem type
CustomAlgorithmTrainingConfigTraining config for the CUSTOM_ALGORITHM problem type
CustomTrainedModelTrainingConfigTraining config for the CUSTOM_TRAINED_MODEL problem type
DataGenerationConfigGenerate synthetic data using a model for finetuning an LLM.
DataIntegrityViolationConditionConfigData Integrity Violation Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
DatabaseConnectorExportConfigDatabase connector export config for feature groups
DataframeResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render a pandas dataframe.
DatasetConfigAn abstract class for dataset configs
DatasetDocumentProcessingConfigDocument processing configuration for dataset imports.
DeployableAlgorithmAlgorithm that can be deployed to a model.
DocumentClassificationTrainingConfigTraining config for the DOCUMENT_CLASSIFICATION problem type
DocumentProcessingConfigDocument processing configuration.
DocumentRetrieverConfigConfig for indexing options of a document retriever. Default values of optional arguments are heuristically selected by the Abacus.AI platform based on the underlying data.
DocumentSummarizationTrainingConfigTraining config for the DOCUMENT_SUMMARIZATION problem type
DocumentVisualizationTrainingConfigTraining config for the DOCUMENT_VISUALIZATION problem type
EmailActionConfigEmail Action Config for Monitor Alerts
EventAnomalyTrainingConfigTraining config for the EVENT_ANOMALY problem type
ExtractDocumentDataConfigExtracts data from documents.
FeatureDriftConditionConfigFeature Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
FeatureGroupExportConfigAn abstract class for feature group exports.
FeatureMappingConfigFeature mapping configuration for a feature group type.
FeatureStorePredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the FEATURE_STORE problem type
FieldDescriptorConfigs for vector store indexing.
FileConnectorExportConfigFile connector export config for feature groups
ForecastingBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the FORECASTING problem type
ForecastingMonitorConfigForecasting Monitor Configuration
ForecastingPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the FORECASTING problem type
ForecastingTrainingConfigTraining config for the FORECASTING problem type
FreshserviceDatasetConfigDataset config for Freshservice Application Connector
GoogleAnalyticsDatasetConfigDataset config for Google Analytics Application Connector
GoogleDriveDatasetConfigDataset config for Google Drive Application Connector
HistoryLengthDriftConditionConfigHistory Length Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
HotkeyPromptA config class for a Data Science Co-Pilot Hotkey
ImageUrlResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render an image.
IncrementalDatabaseConnectorConfigConfig information for incremental datasets from database connectors
ItemAttributesStdDevThresholdItem Attributes Std Dev Threshold for Monitor Alerts
JiraDatasetConfigDataset config for Jira Application Connector
KafkaDatasetConfigDataset config for Kafka Streaming Connector
LastNMergeConfigMerge LAST N chunks/versions of an incremental dataset.
ListResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render a list.
MarkdownConfigTransform a input column to a markdown column.
MergeConfigAn abstract class for the merge config of a feature group
MonitorFilteringConfigMonitor Filtering Configuration
MonitorThresholdConfigMonitor Threshold Config for Monitor Alerts
NSamplingConfigThe number of distinct values of the key columns to include in the sample, or number of rows if key columns not specified.
NamedEntityExtractionBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the NAMED_ENTITY_EXTRACTION problem type
NamedEntityExtractionTrainingConfigTraining config for the NAMED_ENTITY_EXTRACTION problem type
NaturalLanguageSearchPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the NATURAL_LANGUAGE_SEARCH problem type
NaturalLanguageSearchTrainingConfigTraining config for the NATURAL_LANGUAGE_SEARCH problem type
OneDriveDatasetConfigDataset config for OneDrive Application Connector
OperatorConfigConfiguration for a template Feature Group Operation
OptimizationPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the OPTIMIZATION problem type
OptimizationTrainingConfigTraining config for the OPTIMIZATION problem type
OutputVariableMappingA config class for python function arguments
ParsingConfigCustom config for dataset parsing.
PercentSamplingConfigThe fraction of distinct values of the feature group to include in the sample.
PersonalizationBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the PERSONALIZATION problem type
PersonalizationTrainingConfigTraining config for the PERSONALIZATION problem type
PredictionArgumentsAn abstract class for prediction arguments specific to problem type.
PredictionCountConditionConfigDeployment Prediction Condition Config for Deployment Alerts. By default we monitor if predictions made over a time window has reduced significantly.
PredictiveModelingBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the PREDICTIVE_MODELING problem type
PretrainedModelsBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the PRETRAINED_MODELS problem type
ProjectFeatureGroupConfigAn abstract class for project feature group configuration.
ProjectFeatureGroupTypeMappingsConfigProject feature group type mappings.
PythonFunctionArgumentA config class for python function arguments
RegressionPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the PREDICTIVE_MODELING problem type
RegressionTrainingConfigTraining config for the PREDICTIVE_MODELING problem type
ResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render specific UI elements.
RestrictFeatureMappingsRestrict Feature Mappings for Monitor Filtering
ReviewModeProjectFeatureGroupConfigReview mode project feature group configuration.
RuntimeSchemaResponseSectionA segment that an agent can return to render json and ui schema in react-jsonschema-form format for workflow nodes.
SamplingConfigAn abstract class for the sampling config of a feature group
SegmentA response section that an agent can return to render specific UI elements.
SentenceBoundaryDetectionBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the SENTENCE_BOUNDARY_DETECTION problem type
SentenceBoundaryDetectionTrainingConfigTraining config for the SENTENCE_BOUNDARY_DETECTION problem type
SentimentDetectionTrainingConfigTraining config for the SENTIMENT_DETECTION problem type
SftpDatasetConfigDataset config for SFTP Application Connector
SharepointDatasetConfigDataset config for Sharepoint Application Connector
StdDevThresholdStd Dev Threshold types
StreamingConnectorDatasetConfigAn abstract class for dataset configs specific to streaming connectors.
TargetDriftConditionConfigTarget Drift Condition Config for Monitor Alerts
TeamsScraperDatasetConfigDataset config for Teams Scraper Application Connector
TextResponseSectionA response section that an agent can return to render text.
ThemeAnalysisBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the THEME_ANALYSIS problem type
ThemeAnalysisTrainingConfigTraining config for the THEME ANALYSIS problem type
TimeWindowConfigTime Window Configuration
TimeWindowMergeConfigMerge rows within a given timewindow of the most recent timestamp
TimeseriesAnomalyPredictionArgumentsPrediction arguments for the TS_ANOMALY problem type
TimeseriesAnomalyTrainingConfigTraining config for the TS_ANOMALY problem type
TrainablePlugAndPlayBatchPredictionArgsBatch Prediction Config for the TrainablePlugAndPlay problem type
TrainingConfigAn abstract class for the training config options used to train the model.
TriggerConfigRepresents the configuration for a trigger workflow node.
UnionTransformConfigTakes Union of current feature group with 1 or more selected feature groups of same type.
UnpivotConfigUnpivot Columns in a FeatureGroup.
VectorStoreConfigConfig for indexing options of a document retriever. Default values of optional arguments are heuristically selected by the Abacus.AI platform based on the underlying data.
WorkflowGraphRepresents an Agent workflow graph.
WorkflowGraphEdgeRepresents an edge in an Agent workflow graph.
WorkflowGraphNodeRepresents a node in an Agent workflow graph.
WorkflowNodeInputMappingRepresents a mapping of inputs to a workflow node.
WorkflowNodeInputSchemaA schema conformant to react-jsonschema-form for workflow node input.
WorkflowNodeOutputMappingRepresents a mapping of output from a workflow node.
WorkflowNodeOutputSchemaA schema conformant to react-jsonschema-form for a workflow node output.
WorkflowNodeTemplateConfigRepresents a WorkflowNode template config.
WorkflowNodeTemplateInputRepresents an input to the workflow node generated using template.
WorkflowNodeTemplateOutputRepresents an output returned by the workflow node generated using template.
ZendeskDatasetConfigDataset config for Zendesk Application Connector