Training config for the FORECASTING problem type
KEY | TYPE | Description |
SYMMETRIZE_QUANTILES | bool | Force symmetric quantiles (like in Gaussian distribution) |
DATETIME_HOLIDAY_CALENDARS | List[HolidayCalendars] | Holiday calendars to augment training with. |
FORECAST_FREQUENCY | ForecastingFrequency | Forecast frequency. |
CUSTOM_METRICS | List[str] | Registered custom metrics available for selection. |
CUSTOM_LOSS_FUNCTIONS | List[str] | Registered custom losses available for selection. |
RETURN_FRACTIONAL_FORECASTS | None | Use this to return fractional forecast values while prediction |
DISABLE_NETWORKS_WITHOUT_ANALYTIC_QUANTILES | bool | Disable neural networks, which quantile functions do not have analytic expressions (e.g, mixture models) |
NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES | int | Number of samples for ancestral simulation |
PREDICTION_LENGTH | int | How many timesteps in the future to predict. |
HANDLE_ZEROS_AS_MISSING_VALUES | bool | If True, handle zero values in demand as missing data. |
CONVOLUTIONAL_LAYERS | int | Number of convolutional layers to stack on top of recurrent layers in network. |
FULL_DATA_RETRAINING | bool | Train models separately with all the data. |
PROBABILITY_QUANTILES | List[float] | Prediction quantiles. |
QUANTILES_EXTENSION_METHOD | ForecastingQuanitlesExtensionMethod | Quantile extension method |
USE_CLIPPING | bool | Apply clipping to input data to stabilize the training. |
USE_LOG_TRANSFORMS | bool | Apply logarithmic transformations to input data. |
ADDITIONAL_FORECAST_KEYS | None | List[str]: List of categoricals in timeseries that can act as multi-identifier. |
ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_WEIGHT_COLUMN | str | If set, we use the values in this column from item attributes data to assign weights to items during training and evaluation. |
FORCE_PREDICTION_LENGTH | int | Force length of test window to be the same as prediction length. |
EXPERIMENTATION_MODE | ExperimentationMode | Selecting Thorough Experimentation will take longer to train. |
TEST_SPLIT | int | Percent of dataset to use for test data. We support using a range between 5% to 20% of your dataset to use as test data. |
MAX_SCALE_CONTEXT | int | Maximum context to use for local scaling. |
NUM_BACKTESTING_WINDOWS | int | Total backtesting windows to use for the training. |
ZERO_PREDICTOR | bool | Include subnetwork to classify points where target equals zero. |
HISTORY_LENGTH | int | While training, how much history to consider. |
SKIP_TIMESERIES_WEIGHT_SCALING | bool | If True, we will avoid normalizing the weights. |
LOCAL_SCALE_TARGET | bool | Using per training/prediction window target scaling. |
ENABLE_PADDING | bool | Pad series to the max_date of the dataset |
TEST_START | str | Limit training data to dates before the given test start. |
SORT_OBJECTIVE | ForecastingObjective | Ranking scheme used to sort models on the metrics page. |
INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE | float | Initial learning rate. |
ALLOW_TRAINING_WITH_SMALL_HISTORY | None | Allows training with fewer than 100 rows in the dataset |
TRAINING_POINT_OVERLAP | float | Amount of overlap to allow between training samples. |
USE_ITEM_WEIGHTS_IN_OBJECTIVE | bool | If True, we include weights from column set as "ITEM ATTRIBUTES WEIGHT COLUMN" in objective functions. |
UNDERPREDICTION_WEIGHT | float | Weight for underpredictions |
CONVOLUTION_FILTERS | int | Number of filters in each convolution. |
RECURRENT_UNITS | int | Number of units in each recurrent layer. |
SMOOTH_HISTORY | float | Smooth (low pass filter) the timeseries. |
OBJECTIVE | ForecastingObjective | Ranking scheme used to select final best model. |
FILTER_ITEMS | bool | Filter items with small history and volume. |
FILL_MISSING_VALUES | List[List[dict]] | Strategy for filling in missing values. |
ENABLE_MULTIPLE_BACKTESTS | bool | Whether to enable multiple backtesting or not. |
DROPOUT_RATE | int | Dropout percentage rate. |
SKIP_MISSING | bool | Make the RNN ignore missing entries rather instead of processing them. |
TIMESERIES_LOSS_WEIGHT_COLUMN | str | Use value in this column to weight the loss while training. |
USE_ALL_ITEM_TOTALS | bool | Include as input total target across items. |
RECURRENT_LAYERS | int | Number of recurrent layers to stack in network. |
BATCH_RENORMALIZATION | bool | Enable batch renormalization between layers. |
PREDICTION_STEP_SIZE | int | Number of future periods to include in objective for each training sample. |
USE_TIMESERIES_WEIGHTS_IN_OBJECTIVE | bool | If True, we include weights from column set as "TIMESERIES WEIGHT COLUMN" in objective functions. |
TYPE_OF_SPLIT | ForecastingDataSplitType | Type of data splitting into train/test. |
TIMESERIES_WEIGHT_COLUMN | str | If set, we use the values in this column from timeseries data to assign time dependent item weights during training and evaluation. |
BACKTESTING_WINDOW_STEP_SIZE | int | Use this step size to shift backtesting windows for model training. |
ENABLE_CLUSTERING | bool | Enable clustering in forecasting. |
DATA_SPLIT_FEATURE_GROUP_TABLE_NAME | str | Specify the table name of the feature group to export training data with the fold column. |
USE_ITEM_ID | bool | Include a feature to indicate the item being forecast. |
LOSS_FUNCTION | ForecastingLossFunction | Loss function for training neural network. |
ENABLE_COLD_START | bool | Enable cold start forecasting by training/predicting for zero history items. |
ENABLE_FEATURE_SELECTION | bool | Enable feature selection. |
LOCAL_SCALING_MODE | ForecastingLocalScaling | Options to make NN inputs stationary in high dynamic range datasets. |
TEST_BY_ITEM | bool | Partition train/test data by item rather than time if true. |
L2_REGULARIZATION_FACTOR | float | L2 regularization factor. |
BATCH_SIZE | ForecastingBatchSize | Batch size. |