
Batch Prediction Config for the FORECASTING problem type

KEY TYPE Description
predictionsStartDate str The start date for predictions. Accepts timestamp integers and strings in many standard formats such as YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If not specified, the prediction start date will be automatically defined.
usePredictionOffset bool If True, use prediction offset.
forecastingHorizon int The number of timestamps to predict in the future. Range: [1, 1000].
explainPredictions bool If True, calculates explanations for the forecasted values along with predictions.
itemAttributesToIncludeInTheResult list List of columns to include in the prediction output.
startDateOffset int Sets prediction start date as this offset relative to the prediction start date.
createMonitor bool Controls whether to automatically create a monitor to calculate the drift each time the batch prediction is run. Defaults to true if not specified.
forEval bool If True, the test fold which was created during training and used for metrics calculation will be used as input data. These predictions are hence, used for model evaluation