
Generate synthetic data using a model for finetuning an LLM.

KEY TYPE Description
documentationCharLimit int Character limit for documentation.
examplesPerTarget int Number of examples per target.
frequencyPenalty float Penalty for frequency of token appearance.
idCol str Name of the identifier column.
completionCol str Name of the output completion column.
temperature float Sampling temperature for the model.
tokenBudget int Token budget for generation.
seed Optional[int] Seed for random number generation.
fewshotExamples int Number of fewshot examples used to prompt the model.
concurrency int Number of concurrent processes.
descriptionCol str Name of the description column.
generationInstructions str Instructions for the data generation model.
verifyResponse bool Whether to verify the response.
subsetSize Optional[int] Size of the subset to use for generation.
promptCol str Name of the input prompt column.
oversample bool Whether to oversample the data.
model str Model to use for data generation.