copyAgent GET
Copy GET

Creates a copy of the input agent


Yes agentId str The unique id of the agent whose copy is to be generated.
No projectId str Project id to create the new agent to. By default it picks up the source agent's project id.
Note: The arguments for the API methods follow camelCase but for Python SDK underscore_case is followed.


success Boolean true if the call succeeded, false if there was an error
result Agent
KEY TYPE Description
name str The user-friendly name for the agent.
agentId str The unique identifier of the agent.
createdAt str Date and time at which the agent was created.
projectId str The project this agent belongs to.
notebookId str The notebook associated with the agent.
predictFunctionName str Name of the function found in the source code that will be executed run predictions through agent. It is not executed when this function is run.
sourceCode str Python code used to make the agent.
agentConfig dict The config options used to create this agent.
memory Int Memory in GB specified for the deployment resources for the agent.
trainingRequired bool Whether training is required to deploy the latest agent code.
agentExecutionConfig dict The config for arguments used to execute the agent.
latestAgentVersion AgentVersion The latest agent version.
KEY TYPE Description
agentVersion str The unique identifier of an agent version.
status str The current status of the model.
agentId str A reference to the agent this version belongs to.
agentConfig dict The config options used to create this agent.
publishingStartedAt str The start time and date of the training process in ISO-8601 format.
publishingCompletedAt str The end time and date of the training process in ISO-8601 format.
pendingDeploymentIds list List of deployment IDs where deployment is pending.
failedDeploymentIds list List of failed deployment IDs.
error str Relevant error if the status is FAILED.
agentExecutionConfig dict The config for arguments used to execute the agent.
codeSource CodeSource If a python model, information on where the source code is located.
KEY TYPE Description
sourceType str The type of the source, one of TEXT, PYTHON, FILE_UPLOAD, or APPLICATION_CONNECTOR
sourceCode str If the type of the source is TEXT, the raw text of the function
applicationConnectorId str The Application Connector to fetch the code from
applicationConnectorInfo str Args passed to the application connector to fetch the code
packageRequirements list The pip package dependencies required to run the code
status str The status of the code and validations
error str If the status is failed, an error message describing what went wrong
publishingMsg dict Warnings in the source code
moduleDependencies list The list of internal modules dependencies required to run the code
workflowGraph WorkflowGraph The workflow graph for the agent.
KEY TYPE Description
primaryStartNode Union[str, WorkflowGraphNode] The primary node to start the workflow from.
specificationType None None
edges None None
commonSourceCode str Common source code that can be used across all nodes.
nodes List[WorkflowGraphNode] A list of nodes in the workflow graph.
codeSource CodeSource If a python model, information on the source code
KEY TYPE Description
sourceType str The type of the source, one of TEXT, PYTHON, FILE_UPLOAD, or APPLICATION_CONNECTOR
sourceCode str If the type of the source is TEXT, the raw text of the function
applicationConnectorId str The Application Connector to fetch the code from
applicationConnectorInfo str Args passed to the application connector to fetch the code
packageRequirements list The pip package dependencies required to run the code
status str The status of the code and validations
error str If the status is failed, an error message describing what went wrong
publishingMsg dict Warnings in the source code
moduleDependencies list The list of internal modules dependencies required to run the code
draftWorkflowGraph WorkflowGraph The saved draft state of the workflow graph for the agent.
KEY TYPE Description
primaryStartNode Union[str, WorkflowGraphNode] The primary node to start the workflow from.
specificationType None None
edges None None
commonSourceCode str Common source code that can be used across all nodes.
nodes List[WorkflowGraphNode] A list of nodes in the workflow graph.
workflowGraph WorkflowGraph The workflow graph for the agent.
KEY TYPE Description
primaryStartNode Union[str, WorkflowGraphNode] The primary node to start the workflow from.
specificationType None None
edges None None
commonSourceCode str Common source code that can be used across all nodes.
nodes List[WorkflowGraphNode] A list of nodes in the workflow graph.



agentId is not found.


projectId is not found.
