Description |
name |
str |
The user-friendly name for the agent. |
agentId |
str |
The unique identifier of the agent. |
createdAt |
str |
Date and time at which the agent was created. |
projectId |
str |
The project this agent belongs to. |
notebookId |
str |
The notebook associated with the agent. |
predictFunctionName |
str |
Name of the function found in the source code that will be executed run predictions through agent. It is not executed when this function is run. |
sourceCode |
str |
Python code used to make the agent. |
agentConfig |
dict |
The config options used to create this agent. |
memory |
Int |
Memory in GB specified for the deployment resources for the agent. |
trainingRequired |
bool |
Whether training is required to deploy the latest agent code. |
agentExecutionConfig |
dict |
The config for arguments used to execute the agent. |
latestAgentVersion |
AgentVersion |
The latest agent version.
Description |
agentVersion |
str |
The unique identifier of an agent version. |
status |
str |
The current status of the model. |
agentId |
str |
A reference to the agent this version belongs to. |
agentConfig |
dict |
The config options used to create this agent. |
publishingStartedAt |
str |
The start time and date of the training process in ISO-8601 format. |
publishingCompletedAt |
str |
The end time and date of the training process in ISO-8601 format. |
pendingDeploymentIds |
list |
List of deployment IDs where deployment is pending. |
failedDeploymentIds |
list |
List of failed deployment IDs. |
error |
str |
Relevant error if the status is FAILED. |
agentExecutionConfig |
dict |
The config for arguments used to execute the agent. |
codeSource |
CodeSource |
If a python model, information on where the source code is located.
Description |
sourceType |
str |
The type of the source, one of TEXT, PYTHON, FILE_UPLOAD, or APPLICATION_CONNECTOR |
sourceCode |
str |
If the type of the source is TEXT, the raw text of the function |
applicationConnectorId |
str |
The Application Connector to fetch the code from |
applicationConnectorInfo |
str |
Args passed to the application connector to fetch the code |
packageRequirements |
list |
The pip package dependencies required to run the code |
status |
str |
The status of the code and validations |
error |
str |
If the status is failed, an error message describing what went wrong |
publishingMsg |
dict |
Warnings in the source code |
moduleDependencies |
list |
The list of internal modules dependencies required to run the code |
workflowGraph |
WorkflowGraph |
The workflow graph for the agent.
Description |
primaryStartNode |
Union[str, WorkflowGraphNode] |
The primary node to start the workflow from. |
specificationType |
None |
None |
edges |
None |
None |
commonSourceCode |
str |
Common source code that can be used across all nodes. |
nodes |
List[WorkflowGraphNode] |
A list of nodes in the workflow graph. |
codeSource |
CodeSource |
If a python model, information on the source code
Description |
sourceType |
str |
The type of the source, one of TEXT, PYTHON, FILE_UPLOAD, or APPLICATION_CONNECTOR |
sourceCode |
str |
If the type of the source is TEXT, the raw text of the function |
applicationConnectorId |
str |
The Application Connector to fetch the code from |
applicationConnectorInfo |
str |
Args passed to the application connector to fetch the code |
packageRequirements |
list |
The pip package dependencies required to run the code |
status |
str |
The status of the code and validations |
error |
str |
If the status is failed, an error message describing what went wrong |
publishingMsg |
dict |
Warnings in the source code |
moduleDependencies |
list |
The list of internal modules dependencies required to run the code |
draftWorkflowGraph |
WorkflowGraph |
The saved draft state of the workflow graph for the agent.
Description |
primaryStartNode |
Union[str, WorkflowGraphNode] |
The primary node to start the workflow from. |
specificationType |
None |
None |
edges |
None |
None |
commonSourceCode |
str |
Common source code that can be used across all nodes. |
nodes |
List[WorkflowGraphNode] |
A list of nodes in the workflow graph. |
workflowGraph |
WorkflowGraph |
The workflow graph for the agent.
Description |
primaryStartNode |
Union[str, WorkflowGraphNode] |
The primary node to start the workflow from. |
specificationType |
None |
None |
edges |
None |
None |
commonSourceCode |
str |
Common source code that can be used across all nodes. |
nodes |
List[WorkflowGraphNode] |
A list of nodes in the workflow graph. |