Invite a user to your organization. This method will send the specified email address an invitation link to join your organization.
GETlistApiKeysLists all of the user's API keys
GETlistOrganizationUsersRetrieves a list of all platform users in the organization, including pending users who have been invited.
GETdescribeUserRetrieve the current user's information, such as their name, email address, and admin status.
GETlistOrganizationGroupsLists all Organizations Groups
POSTcreateOrganizationGroupCreates a new Organization Group.
GETdescribeOrganizationGroupReturns the specific organization group passed in by the user.
POSTaddOrganizationGroupPermissionAdds a permission to the specified Organization Group.
POSTremoveOrganizationGroupPermissionRemoves a permission from the specified Organization Group.
DELETEdeleteOrganizationGroupDeletes the specified Organization Group
POSTaddUserToOrganizationGroupAdds a user to the specified Organization Group.
DELETEremoveUserFromOrganizationGroupRemoves a user from an Organization Group.
POSTsetDefaultOrganizationGroupSets the default Organization Group to which all new users joining an organization are automatically added.
DELETEdeleteApiKeyDelete a specified API key.
DELETEremoveUserFromOrganizationRemoves the specified user from the organization. You can remove yourself; otherwise, you must be an organization administrator to use this method to remove other users from the organization.
POSTsendEmailSend an email to the specified email address with provided subject and contents.