Creates a pipeline for executing multiple steps.
POSTdescribePipelineDescribes a given pipeline.
POSTdescribePipelineByNameDescribes a given pipeline.
PATCHupdatePipelineUpdates a pipeline for executing multiple steps.
PATCHrenamePipelineRenames a pipeline.
DELETEdeletePipelineDeletes a pipeline.
GETlistPipelinesLists the pipelines for an organization or a project
GETdescribePipelineVersionDescribes a specified pipeline version
POSTlistPipelineVersionsLists the pipeline versions for a specified pipeline
POSTrunPipelineRuns a specified pipeline with the arguments provided.
POSTresetPipelineVersionReruns a pipeline version for the given steps and downstream steps if specified.
POSTcreatePipelineStepCreates a step in a given pipeline.
DELETEdeletePipelineStepDeletes a step from a pipeline.
PATCHupdatePipelineStepCreates a step in a given pipeline.
PATCHrenamePipelineStepRenames a step in a given pipeline.
GETdescribePipelineStepDeletes a step from a pipeline.
GETdescribePipelineStepByNameDescribes a pipeline step by the step name.
GETdescribePipelineStepVersionDescribes a pipeline step version.
PATCHunsetPipelineRefreshScheduleDeletes the refresh schedule for a given pipeline.
POSTpausePipelineRefreshSchedulePauses the refresh schedule for a given pipeline.
POSTresumePipelineRefreshScheduleResumes the refresh schedule for a given pipeline.
GETlistPipelineVersionLogsGets the logs for the steps in a given pipeline version.
GETgetStepVersionLogsGets the logs for a given step version.
POSTskipPendingPipelineVersionStepsSkips pending steps in a pipeline version.