Infer the feature mappings for the feature group in the project based on the problem type.
POSTcreateFeatureGroupCreates a new FeatureGroup from a SQL statement.
POSTcreateFeatureGroupFromTemplateCreates a new feature group from a SQL statement.
POSTcreateFeatureGroupFromFunctionCreates a new feature in a Feature Group from user-provided code. Currently supported code languages are Python.
POSTcreateSamplingFeatureGroupCreates a new Feature Group defined as a sample of rows from another Feature Group.
POSTcreateMergeFeatureGroupCreates a new feature group defined as the union of other feature group versions.
POSTcreateOperatorFeatureGroupCreates a new Feature Group defined by a pre-defined operator applied to another Feature Group.
POSTcreateSnapshotFeatureGroupCreates a Snapshot Feature Group corresponding to a specific Feature Group version.
POSTcreateOnlineFeatureGroupCreates an Online Feature Group.
POSTsetFeatureGroupSamplingConfigSet a FeatureGroup’s sampling to the config values provided, so that the rows the FeatureGroup returns will be a sample of those it would otherwise have returned.
POSTsetFeatureGroupMergeConfigSet a MergeFeatureGroup’s merge config to the values provided, so that the feature group only returns a bounded range of an incremental dataset.
POSTsetFeatureGroupOperatorConfigSet a OperatorFeatureGroup’s operator config to the values provided.
POSTsetFeatureGroupSchemaCreates a new schema and points the feature group to the new feature group schema ID.
GETgetFeatureGroupSchemaReturns a schema for a given FeatureGroup in a project.
POSTcreateFeatureCreates a new feature in a Feature Group from a SQL select statement.
POSTaddFeatureGroupTagAdds a tag to the feature group
DELETEremoveFeatureGroupTagRemoves a tag from the specified feature group.
POSTaddAnnotatableFeatureAdd an annotatable feature in a Feature Group
POSTsetFeatureAsAnnotatableFeatureSets an existing feature as an annotatable feature (Feature that can be annotated).
POSTsetAnnotationStatusFeatureSets a feature as the annotation status feature for a feature group.
POSTunsetFeatureAsAnnotatableFeatureUnsets a feature as annotatable
POSTaddFeatureGroupAnnotationLabelAdds an annotation label
POSTremoveFeatureGroupAnnotationLabelRemoves an annotation label
POSTaddFeatureTagAdds a tag on a feature
DELETEremoveFeatureTagRemoves a tag from a feature
POSTcreateNestedFeatureCreates a new nested feature in a feature group from a SQL statement.
POSTupdateNestedFeatureUpdates a previously existing nested feature in a feature group.
DELETEdeleteNestedFeatureDelete a nested feature.
POSTcreatePointInTimeFeatureCreates a new point in time feature in a feature group using another historical feature group, window spec, and aggregate expression.
PATCHupdatePointInTimeFeatureUpdates an existing Point-in-Time (PiT) feature in a feature group. See `createPointInTimeFeature` for detailed semantics.
POSTcreatePointInTimeGroupCreate a Point-in-Time Group
GETgetPointInTimeFeatureGroupCreationOptionsReturns the options that can be used to generate PIT features.
POSTgeneratePointInTimeFeaturesGenerates and adds PIT features given the selected columns to aggregate over, and the operations to include.
PATCHupdatePointInTimeGroupUpdate Point-in-Time Group
DELETEdeletePointInTimeGroupDelete point in time group
POSTcreatePointInTimeGroupFeatureCreate point in time group feature
PATCHupdatePointInTimeGroupFeatureUpdate a feature's SQL expression in a point in time group
POSTsetFeatureTypeSet the type of a feature in a feature group. Specify the feature group ID, feature name, and feature type, and the method will return the new column with the changes reflected.
POSTconcatenateFeatureGroupDataConcatenates data from one Feature Group to another. Feature Groups can be merged if their schemas are compatible, they have the special `updateTimestampKey` column, and (if set) the `primaryKey` column. The second operand in the concatenate operation will be appended to the first operand (merge target).
DELETEremoveConcatenationConfigRemoves the concatenation config on a destination feature group.
GETdescribeFeatureGroupDescribe a Feature Group.
GETdescribeFeatureGroupByTableNameDescribe a Feature Group by its table name.
POSTsetFeatureGroupIndexingConfigSets various attributes of the feature group used for primary key, deployment lookups and streaming updates.
GETlistFeatureGroupsList all the feature groups
GETdescribeProjectFeatureGroupDescribe a feature group associated with a project
GETlistProjectFeatureGroupsList all the feature groups associated with a project
GETlistPythonFunctionFeatureGroupsList all the feature groups associated with a python function.
POSTexecuteAsyncFeatureGroupOperationStarts the execution of fg operation
POSTdescribeAsyncFeatureGroupOperationGets the status of the execution of fg operation
GETgetExecuteFeatureGroupOperationResultPartCountGets the number of parts in the result of the execution of fg operation
GETdownloadExecuteFeatureGroupOperationResultPartChunkDownloads a chunk of the result of the execution of feature group operation
PATCHupdateFeatureGroupModify an existing Feature Group.
PATCHdetachFeatureGroupFromTemplateUpdate a feature group to detach it from a template.
PATCHupdateFeatureGroupTemplateBindingsUpdate the feature group template bindings for a template feature group.
PATCHupdateFeatureGroupPythonFunctionBindingsUpdates an existing Feature Group's Python function bindings from a user-provided Python Function. If a list of feature groups are supplied within the Python function bindings, we will provide DataFrames (Pandas in the case of Python) with the materialized feature groups for those input feature groups as arguments to the function.
PATCHupdateFeatureGroupPythonFunctionUpdates an existing Feature Group's python function from a user provided Python Function. If a list of feature groups are supplied within the python function
PATCHupdateFeatureGroupSqlDefinitionUpdates the SQL statement for a feature group.
PATCHupdateDatasetFeatureGroupFeatureExpressionUpdates the SQL feature expression for a Dataset FeatureGroup's custom features
GETupdateFeatureGroupVersionLimitUpdates the version limit for the feature group.
PATCHupdateFeatureModifies an existing feature in a feature group.
POSTexportFeatureGroupVersionToFileConnectorExport Feature group to File Connector.
POSTexportFeatureGroupVersionToDatabaseConnectorExport Feature group to Database Connector.
POSTexportFeatureGroupVersionToConsoleExport Feature group to console.
GETgetFeatureGroupVersionExportDownloadUrlGet a link to download the feature group version.
GETdescribeFeatureGroupExportA feature group export
GETlistFeatureGroupExportsLists all of the feature group exports for the feature group
GETgetFeatureGroupExportConnectorErrorsReturns a stream containing the write errors of the feature group export database connection, if any writes failed to the database connector.
POSTsetFeatureGroupModifierLockLock a feature group to prevent modification.
GETlistFeatureGroupModifiersList the users who can modify a given feature group.
POSTaddUserToFeatureGroupModifiersAdds a user to a feature group.
POSTaddOrganizationGroupToFeatureGroupModifiersAdd OrganizationGroup to a feature group modifiers list
DELETEremoveUserFromFeatureGroupModifiersRemoves a user from a specified feature group.
DELETEremoveOrganizationGroupFromFeatureGroupModifiersRemoves an OrganizationGroup from a feature group modifiers list
DELETEdeleteFeatureRemoves a feature from the feature group.
DELETEdeleteFeatureGroupDeletes a Feature Group.
DELETEdeleteFeatureGroupVersionDeletes a Feature Group Version.
POSTcreateFeatureGroupVersionCreates a snapshot for a specified feature group. Triggers materialization of the feature group. The new version of the feature group is created after it has materialized.
GETgetMaterializationLogsReturns logs for a materialized feature group version.
GETlistFeatureGroupVersionsRetrieves a list of all feature group versions for the specified feature group.
GETdescribeFeatureGroupVersionDescribe a feature group version.
GETgetFeatureGroupVersionMetricsGet metrics for a specific feature group version.
GETgetFeatureGroupVersionLogsRetrieves the feature group materialization logs.
POSTsetFeatureGroupExportConnectorConfigSets FG export config for the given feature group.
POSTsetExportOnMaterializationCan be used to enable or disable exporting feature group data to the export connector associated with the feature group.
POSTupsertDataUpdate new data into the feature group for a given lookup key record ID if the record ID is found; otherwise, insert new data into the feature group.
DELETEdeleteDataDeletes a row from the feature group given the primary key
GETgetDataGets the feature group rows for online updatable feature groups.