Creates a deployment with the specified name and description for the specified model or feature group.
POSTcreateDeploymentTokenCreates a deployment token for the specified project.
GETdescribeDeploymentRetrieves a full description of the specified deployment.
GETlistDeploymentsRetrieves a list of all deployments in the specified project.
GETlistDeploymentTokensRetrieves a list of all deployment tokens associated with the specified project.
PATCHupdateDeploymentUpdates a deployment's properties.
PATCHrenameDeploymentUpdates a deployment's name
POSTsetAutoDeploymentEnable or disable auto deployment for the specified deployment.
PATCHsetDeploymentModelVersionPromotes a model version and/or algorithm to be the active served deployment version
PATCHsetDeploymentFeatureGroupVersionPromotes a feature group version to be served in the deployment.
PATCHsetDeploymentPredictionOperatorVersionPromotes a prediction operator version to be served in the deployment.
POSTstartDeploymentRestarts the specified deployment that was previously suspended.
POSTstopDeploymentStops the specified deployment.
DELETEdeleteDeploymentDeletes the specified deployment. The deployment's models will not be affected. Note that the deployments are not recoverable after they are deleted.
DELETEdeleteDeploymentTokenDeletes the specified deployment token.
GETgetApiEndpointReturns the API endpoint specific to an organization. This function can be utilized using either an API Key or a deployment ID and token for authentication.
POSTsetDeploymentFeatureGroupExportFileConnectorOutputSets the export output for the Feature Group Deployment to be a file connector.
POSTsetDeploymentFeatureGroupExportDatabaseConnectorOutputSets the export output for the Feature Group Deployment to a Database connector.
POSTremoveDeploymentFeatureGroupExportOutputRemoves the export type that is set for the Feature Group Deployment
GETgetModelTrainingTypesForDeploymentReturns types of models that can be deployed for a given model instance ID.
POSTsetDefaultPredictionArgumentsSets the deployment config.
GETgetPredictionLogsRecordsRetrieves the prediction request IDs for the most recent predictions made to the deployment.
POSTcreateDeploymentAlertCreate a deployment alert for the given conditions.
GETlistDeploymentAlertsList the monitor alerts associated with the deployment id.
POSTcreateRealtimeMonitorReal time monitors compute and monitor metrics of real time prediction data.
POSTupdateRealtimeMonitorUpdate the real-time monitor associated with the real-time monitor id.
GETlistRealtimeMonitorsList the real-time monitors associated with the deployment id.
GETdescribeRealtimeMonitorGet the real-time monitor associated with the real-time monitor id.
DELETEdeleteRealtimeMonitorDelete the real-time monitor associated with the real-time monitor id.