createDeployment POST

Creates a deployment with the specified name and description for the specified model or feature group.


No name str The name of the deployment.
No modelId str The unique ID associated with the model.
No modelVersion str The unique ID associated with the model version to deploy.
No algorithm str The unique ID associated with the algorithm to deploy.
No featureGroupId str The unique ID associated with a feature group.
No projectId str The unique ID associated with a project.
No description str The description for the deployment.
No callsPerSecond int The number of calls per second the deployment can handle.
No autoDeploy bool Flag to enable the automatic deployment when a new Model Version finishes training.
No start bool If true, will start the deployment; otherwise will create offline
No enableBatchStreamingUpdates bool Flag to enable marking the feature group deployment to have a background process cache streamed in rows for quicker lookup.
No skipMetricsCheck bool Flag to skip metric regression with this current deployment
No modelDeploymentConfig dict The deployment config for model to deploy
Note: The arguments for the API methods follow camelCase but for Python SDK underscore_case is followed.


success Boolean true if the call succeeded, false if there was an error
result Deployment
KEY TYPE Description
deploymentId str A unique identifier for the deployment.
name str A user-friendly name for the deployment.
status str The status of the deployment.
description str A description of the deployment.
deployedAt str The date and time when the deployment became active, in ISO-8601 format.
createdAt str The date and time when the deployment was created, in ISO-8601 format.
projectId str A unique identifier for the project this deployment belongs to.
modelId str The model that is currently deployed.
modelVersion str The model version ID that is currently deployed.
featureGroupId str The feature group that is currently deployed.
featureGroupVersion str The feature group version ID that is currently deployed.
callsPerSecond int The number of calls per second the deployment can handle.
autoDeploy bool A flag marking the deployment as eligible for auto deployments whenever any model in the project finishes training.
skipMetricsCheck bool A flag to skip metric regression with this current deployment. This field is only relevant when auto_deploy is on
algoName str The name of the algorithm that is currently deployed.
regions list A list of regions that the deployment has been deployed to.
error str The relevant error, if the status is FAILED.
batchStreamingUpdates bool A flag marking the feature group deployment as having enabled a background process which caches streamed-in rows for quicker lookup.
algorithm str The algorithm that is currently deployed.
pendingModelVersion dict The model that the deployment is switching to, or being stopped.
modelDeploymentConfig dict The config for which model to be deployed.
predictionOperatorId str The prediction operator ID that is currently deployed.
predictionOperatorVersion str The prediction operator version ID that is currently deployed.
pendingPredictionOperatorVersion str The prediction operator version ID that the deployment is switching to, or being stopped.
onlineFeatureGroupId ID The online feature group ID that the deployment is running on
outputOnlineFeatureGroupId ID The online feature group ID that the deployment is outputting results to
realtimeMonitorId ID The realtime monitor ID of the realtime-monitor that is associated with the deployment
runtimeConfigs dict The runtime configurations of a deployment which is used by some of the usecases during prediction.
refreshSchedules RefreshSchedule A list of refresh schedules that indicate when the deployment will be updated to the latest model version.
KEY TYPE Description
refreshPolicyId str The unique identifier of the refresh policy
nextRunTime str The next run time of the refresh policy. If null, the policy is paused.
cron str A cron-style string that describes the when this refresh policy is to be executed in UTC
refreshType str The type of refresh that will be run
error str An error message for the last pipeline run of a policy
featureGroupExportConfig FeatureGroupExportConfig The export config (file connector or database connector information) for feature group deployment exports.
KEY TYPE Description
outputLocation str The File Connector location to which the feature group is being written.
fileFormat str The file format being written to output_location.
databaseConnectorId str The unique string identifier of the database connector used.
objectName str The object in the database connector to which the feature group is being written.
writeMode str UPSERT or INSERT for writing to the database connector.
databaseFeatureMapping dict The column/feature pairs mapping the features to the database columns.
idColumn str The id column to use as the upsert key.
additionalIdColumns str For database connectors which support it, additional ID columns to use as a complex key for upserting.
defaultPredictionArguments PredictionArguments The default prediction arguments for prediction APIs
KEY TYPE Description
SupportKwargs None None
problemType None None
kwargs None None



modelId is not found.


featureGroupId is not found.


projectId is not found.


If neither model_id or feature_group_id is specified or if both model_id and feature_group_id are specified.


The model has not yet been trained or the feature group has not been materialized.


The model is running a batch only algorithm in realtime


The model is currently training or the feature group is materializing.
