Runs a model monitor for the specified project.
POSTrerunModelMonitorRe-runs the specified model monitor.
GETlistModelMonitorsRetrieves the list of model monitors in the specified project.
GETdescribeModelMonitorRetrieves a full description of the specified model monitor.
GETgetPredictionDriftGets the label and prediction drifts for a model monitor.
GETgetModelMonitorSummaryGets the summary of a model monitor across versions.
GETlistModelMonitorVersionsRetrieves a list of versions for a given model monitor.
GETdescribeModelMonitorVersionRetrieves a full description of the specified model monitor version.
PATCHrenameModelMonitorRenames a model monitor
DELETEdeleteModelMonitorDeletes the specified Model Monitor and all its versions.
DELETEdeleteModelMonitorVersionDeletes the specified model monitor version.
GETmodelMonitorVersionMetricDataProvides the data needed for decile metrics associated with the model monitor.
GETlistOrganizationModelMonitorsGets a list of Model Monitors for an organization.
GETgetModelMonitorChartFromOrganizationGets a list of model monitor summaries across monitors for an organization.
GETgetModelMonitorSummaryFromOrganizationGets a consolidated summary of model monitors for an organization.
POSTcreateVisionDriftMonitorRuns a vision drift monitor for the specified project.
POSTcreateNlpDriftMonitorRuns an NLP drift monitor for the specified project.
POSTcreateForecastingMonitorRuns a forecasting monitor for the specified project.
POSTcreateMonitorAlertCreate a monitor alert for the given conditions and monitor. We can create monitor alert either for model monitor or real-time monitor.
POSTupdateMonitorAlertUpdate monitor alert
GETdescribeMonitorAlertDescribes a given monitor alert id
GETdescribeMonitorAlertVersionDescribes a given monitor alert version id
POSTrunMonitorAlertReruns a given monitor alert from latest monitor instance
GETlistMonitorAlertsForMonitorRetrieves the list of monitor alerts for a specified monitor. One of the model_monitor_id or realtime_monitor_id is required but not both.
GETlistMonitorAlertVersionsForMonitorVersionRetrieves the list of monitor alert versions for a specified monitor instance.
DELETEdeleteMonitorAlertDelets a monitor alert