Creates a project with the specified project name and use case. Creating a project creates a container for all datasets and models associated with a particular problem/project. For example, if you want to create a model to detect fraud, you need to first create a project, upload datasets, create feature groups, and then create one or more models to get predictions for your use case.
GETlistUseCasesRetrieves a list of all use cases with descriptions. Use the given mappings to specify a use case when needed.
GETdescribeUseCaseRequirementsThis API call returns the feature requirements for a specified use case.
GETdescribeProjectReturns a description of a project.
GETlistProjectsRetrieves a list of all projects in the current organization.
PATCHrenameProjectThis method renames a project after it is created.
DELETEdeleteProjectDelete a specified project from your organization.
POSTaddProjectTagsThis method adds a tag to a project.
DELETEremoveProjectTagsThis method removes a tag from a project.
POSTaddFeatureGroupToProjectAdds a feature group to a project.
PATCHsetProjectFeatureGroupConfigSets a feature group's project config
GETgetProjectFeatureGroupConfigGets a feature group's project config
DELETEremoveFeatureGroupFromProjectRemoves a feature group from a project.
POSTsetFeatureGroupTypeUpdate the feature group type in a project. The feature group must already be added to the project.
POSTsetFeatureMappingSet a column's feature mapping. If the column mapping is single-use and already set in another column in this feature group, this call will first remove the other column's mapping and move it to this column.
GETvalidateProjectValidates that the specified project has all required feature group types for its use case and that all required feature columns are set.