Creates a dataset from a file located in a cloud storage, such as Amazon AWS S3, using the specified dataset name and location.
POSTcreateDatasetVersionFromFileConnectorCreates a new version of the specified dataset.
POSTcreateDatasetFromDatabaseConnectorCreates a dataset from a Database Connector.
POSTcreateDatasetFromApplicationConnectorCreates a dataset from an Application Connector.
POSTcreateDatasetVersionFromDatabaseConnectorCreates a new version of the specified dataset.
POSTcreateDatasetVersionFromApplicationConnectorCreates a new version of the specified dataset.
POSTcreateDatasetFromUploadCreates a dataset and returns an upload ID that can be used to upload a file.
POSTcreateDatasetVersionFromUploadCreates a new version of the specified dataset using a local file upload.
POSTcreateDatasetVersionFromDocumentReprocessingCreates a new dataset version for a source docstore dataset with the provided document processing configuration. This does not re-import the data but uses the same data which is imported in the latest dataset version and only performs document processing on it.
POSTcreateRealtimeContentStoreCreates a real-time content store dataset.
POSTsnapshotStreamingDataSnapshots the current data in the streaming dataset.
POSTsetDatasetColumnDataTypeSet a Dataset's column type.
POSTcreateDatasetFromStreamingConnectorCreates a dataset from a Streaming Connector
POSTsetStreamingRetentionPolicySets the streaming retention policy.
GETgetDatasetSchemaRetrieves the column schema of a dataset.
GETsetDatasetDatabaseConnectorConfigSets database connector config for a dataset. This method is currently only supported for streaming datasets.
GETgetDatasetVersionMetricsGet metrics for a specific dataset version.
GETupdateDatasetVersionLimitUpdates the version limit for the specified dataset.
GETlistDatasetsRetrieves a list of all datasets in the organization.
GETdescribeDatasetRetrieves a full description of the specified dataset, with attributes such as its ID, name, source type, etc.
GETdescribeDatasetVersionRetrieves a full description of the specified dataset version, including its ID, name, source type, and other attributes.
GETlistDatasetVersionsRetrieves a list of all dataset versions for the specified dataset.
DELETEdeleteDatasetDeletes the specified dataset from the organization.
DELETEdeleteDatasetVersionDeletes the specified dataset version from the organization.
GETgetDatasetVersionLogsRetrieves the dataset import logs.