getFeatureAssociation GET
Copy GET

Gets the Feature Association for the given features from the feature group version within the eda_version.


Yes edaVersion str Unique string identifier associated with the EDA instance.
Yes referenceFeatureName str Name of the feature for feature association (on x-axis for the plots generated for the Feature association in the product).
Yes testFeatureName str Name of the feature for feature association (on y-axis for the plots generated for the Feature association in the product).
Note: The arguments for the API methods follow camelCase but for Python SDK underscore_case is followed.


success Boolean true if the call succeeded, false if there was an error
result EdaFeatureAssociation
KEY TYPE Description
data dict the data to display the feature association between two features
isScatter bool A Boolean that represents if the data creates a scatter plot (for cases of numerical data vs numerical data)
isBoxWhisker bool A Boolean that represents if the data creates a box whisker plot (For cases of categorical data vs numerical data and vice versa)
xAxis str Name of the feature selected for feature association (reference_feature_name) for x axis on the plot
yAxis str Name of the feature selected for feature association (test_feature_name) for y axis on the plot
xAxisColumnValues list Name of all the categories within the x_axis feature (if it is a categorical data type)
yAxisColumnValues list Name of all the categories within the y_axis feature (if it is a categorical data type)
dataColumns list A list of columns listed in the data as keys