Connecting Salesforce to Abacus.AI

Abacus.AI provides the capability to integrate with your Salesforce account, enabling you to train models using data directly from Salesforce. The Salesforce connector in Abacus.AI is designed with flexibility in mind; whether you need to pull standard Salesforce data for model training or extract knowledge articles for chat applications, the connector can handle it all through a single, streamlined interface.

Steps to Connect your Salesforce account to Abacus.AI

Step 1: Initiate Salesforce Connection

Navigate to the Abacus.AI Connected Services Dashboard.

  1. Click on the "Add New Connector" button.
  2. Select the "Salesforce" option from the "Select a Service" popup box.

You will be presented with additional options: - Use Sandbox Environment: Check this box if you wish to connect to a Salesforce sandbox environment for testing purposes. - Pull Knowledge Articles: Check this box if you want to extract knowledge articles from Salesforce for chat use cases. 3. Click on the "Connect Salesforce" button and log in using your Salesforce account credentials.
Salesforce Connect

Step 2: Verify Connector Status

  1. The connector will be added to the list of Database Connectors.
  2. If the status is "VALID", the connection was successful.
  3. If the status is not "VALID", click on the "Configuration" button to re-enter your credentials or adjust settings.

Salesforce Connector Status

Step 3: Finalize Connection

  1. Click on "Connect Salesforce" to verify the account.

Salesforce Verify

  1. Once verified, your Salesforce connector will be shown as "ACTIVE".

Salesforce Active

Extracting Knowledge Articles from Salesforce

After setting up the Salesforce connector, you can extract knowledge articles by creating a dataset in Abacus.AI.

Step 1: Open Dataset Creation Page

  1. Navigate to the dataset creation page within Abacus.AI.
  2. Choose the Salesforce connector you have set up.

Step 2: Select Data to Pull

  1. Select the KnowledgeArticleDescriptions object as the ObjectName.
  2. Ensure that all columns are selected for extraction. At a minimum, include the Id and Markdown fields, as these are required for chat use cases.

Step 3: Complete Data Extraction

  1. Confirm the selection and initiate the data extraction process.
  2. Once the data is pulled into Abacus.AI, it can be used to train models or for direct integration into chat applications.

By following these steps, you can effectively connect your Salesforce account to Abacus.AI and leverage your Salesforce data, including knowledge articles, to enhance your AI and machine learning capabilities.