
Use Case Requirements

KEY TYPE Description
datasetType str The project-specific enum value of the dataset type.
name str The user-friendly name of the dataset type.
description str The description of the dataset type.
required bool True if the dataset type is required for this project.
multi bool If true, multiple versions of the dataset type can be used for training.
allowedFeatureMappings dict A collection of key-value pairs, with each key being a column mapping enum (see a list of column mapping enums here) and each value being in the following dictionary format: { "description": str, "allowed_feature_types": feature_type_enum, "required": bool }.
allowedNestedFeatureMappings dict A collection of key-value pairs, with each key being a column mapping enum (see a list of column mapping enums here) and each value being in the following dictionary format: { "description": str, "allowed_feature_types": feature_type_enum, "required": bool }.