Batch Prediction Version
KEY | TYPE | Description |
batchPredictionVersion | str | The unique identifier of the batch prediction version |
batchPredictionId | str | The unique identifier of the batch prediction |
status | str | The current status of the batch prediction |
driftMonitorStatus | str | The status of the drift monitor for this batch prediction version |
deploymentId | str | The deployment used to make the predictions |
modelId | str | The model used to make the predictions |
modelVersion | str | The model version used to make the predictions |
predictionsStartedAt | str | Predictions start date and time |
predictionsCompletedAt | str | Predictions completion date and time |
databaseOutputError | bool | If true, there were errors reported by the database connector while writing |
totalPredictions | int | Number of predictions performed in this batch prediction job |
failedPredictions | int | Number of predictions that failed |
databaseConnectorId | str | The database connector to write the results to |
databaseOutputConfiguration | dict | Contains information about where the batch predictions are written to |
fileConnectorOutputLocation | str | Contains information about where the batch predictions are written to |
fileOutputFormat | str | The format of the batch prediction output (CSV or JSON) |
connectorType | str | Null if writing to internal console, else FEATURE_GROUP | FILE_CONNECTOR | DATABASE_CONNECTOR |
legacyInputLocation | str | The location of the input data |
error | str | Relevant error if the status is FAILED |
driftMonitorError | str | Error message for the drift monitor of this batch predcition |
monitorWarnings | str | Relevant warning if there are issues found in drift or data integrity |
csvInputPrefix | str | A prefix to prepend to the input columns, only applies when output format is CSV |
csvPredictionPrefix | str | A prefix to prepend to the prediction columns, only applies when output format is CSV |
csvExplanationsPrefix | str | A prefix to prepend to the explanation columns, only applies when output format is CSV |
databaseOutputTotalWrites | int | The total number of rows attempted to write (may be less than total_predictions if write mode is UPSERT and multiple rows share the same ID) |
databaseOutputFailedWrites | int | The number of failed writes to the Database Connector |
outputIncludesMetadata | bool | If true, output will contain columns including prediction start time, batch prediction version, and model version |
resultInputColumns | List[str] | If present, will limit result files or feature groups to only include columns present in this list |
modelMonitorVersion | str | The version of the model monitor |
algoName | str | The name of the algorithm used to train the model |
algorithm | str | The algorithm that is currently deployed. |
outputFeatureGroupId | str | The Batch Prediction output feature group ID if applicable |
outputFeatureGroupVersion | str | The Batch Prediction output feature group version if applicable |
outputFeatureGroupTableName | str | The Batch Prediction output feature group name if applicable |
batchPredictionWarnings | str | Relevant warnings if any issues are found |
bpAcrossVersionsMonitorVersion | str | The version of the batch prediction across versions monitor |
batchPredictionArgsType | str | The type of the batch prediction args |
batchInputs | PredictionInput | Inputs to the batch prediction |
inputFeatureGroups | PredictionFeatureGroup | List of prediction feature groups |
globalPredictionArgs | BatchPredictionArgs | None |
batchPredictionArgs | BatchPredictionArgs | Argument(s) passed to every prediction call |