
Batch Prediction Version

KEY TYPE Description
batchPredictionVersion str The unique identifier of the batch prediction version
batchPredictionId str The unique identifier of the batch prediction
status str The current status of the batch prediction
driftMonitorStatus str The status of the drift monitor for this batch prediction version
deploymentId str The deployment used to make the predictions
modelId str The model used to make the predictions
modelVersion str The model version used to make the predictions
predictionsStartedAt str Predictions start date and time
predictionsCompletedAt str Predictions completion date and time
databaseOutputError bool If true, there were errors reported by the database connector while writing
totalPredictions int Number of predictions performed in this batch prediction job
failedPredictions int Number of predictions that failed
databaseConnectorId str The database connector to write the results to
databaseOutputConfiguration dict Contains information about where the batch predictions are written to
fileConnectorOutputLocation str Contains information about where the batch predictions are written to
fileOutputFormat str The format of the batch prediction output (CSV or JSON)
connectorType str Null if writing to internal console, else FEATURE_GROUP | FILE_CONNECTOR | DATABASE_CONNECTOR
legacyInputLocation str The location of the input data
error str Relevant error if the status is FAILED
driftMonitorError str Error message for the drift monitor of this batch predcition
monitorWarnings str Relevant warning if there are issues found in drift or data integrity
csvInputPrefix str A prefix to prepend to the input columns, only applies when output format is CSV
csvPredictionPrefix str A prefix to prepend to the prediction columns, only applies when output format is CSV
csvExplanationsPrefix str A prefix to prepend to the explanation columns, only applies when output format is CSV
databaseOutputTotalWrites int The total number of rows attempted to write (may be less than total_predictions if write mode is UPSERT and multiple rows share the same ID)
databaseOutputFailedWrites int The number of failed writes to the Database Connector
outputIncludesMetadata bool If true, output will contain columns including prediction start time, batch prediction version, and model version
resultInputColumns List[str] If present, will limit result files or feature groups to only include columns present in this list
modelMonitorVersion str The version of the model monitor
algoName str The name of the algorithm used to train the model
algorithm str The algorithm that is currently deployed.
outputFeatureGroupId str The Batch Prediction output feature group ID if applicable
outputFeatureGroupVersion str The Batch Prediction output feature group version if applicable
outputFeatureGroupTableName str The Batch Prediction output feature group name if applicable
batchPredictionWarnings str Relevant warnings if any issues are found
bpAcrossVersionsMonitorVersion str The version of the batch prediction across versions monitor
batchPredictionArgsType str The type of the batch prediction args
batchInputs PredictionInput Inputs to the batch prediction
inputFeatureGroups PredictionFeatureGroup List of prediction feature groups
globalPredictionArgs BatchPredictionArgs None
batchPredictionArgs BatchPredictionArgs Argument(s) passed to every prediction call