
Forecasting Monitor Summary of the latest version of the data.

KEY TYPE Description
predictionTimestampCol str Feature in the data that represents the timestamp column.
predictionTargetCol str Feature in the data that represents the target.
trainingTimestampCol str Feature in the data that represents the timestamp column.
trainingTargetCol str Feature in the data that represents the target.
predictionItemId str Feature in the data that represents the item id.
trainingItemId str Feature in the data that represents the item id.
forecastFrequency str Frequency of data, could be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.
trainingTargetAcrossTime ForecastingAnalysisGraphData Data showing average, p10, p90, median sales across time
predictionTargetAcrossTime ForecastingAnalysisGraphData Data showing average, p10, p90, median sales across time
actualsHistogram ForecastingAnalysisGraphData Data showing actuals histogram
predictionsHistogram ForecastingAnalysisGraphData Data showing predictions histogram
trainHistoryData ForecastingAnalysisGraphData Data showing length of history distribution
predictHistoryData ForecastingAnalysisGraphData Data showing length of history distribution
targetDrift FeatureDriftRecord Data showing drift of the target for all drift types: distance (KL divergence), js_distance, ws_distance, ks_statistic, psi, csi, chi_square
historyDrift FeatureDriftRecord Data showing drift of the history for all drift types: distance (KL divergence), js_distance, ws_distance, ks_statistic, psi, csi, chi_square