
A feature group row process

KEY TYPE Description
featureGroupId str The ID of the feature group this row that was processed belongs to.
deploymentId str The ID of the deployment that processed this row.
primaryKeyValue str Value of the primary key for this row.
featureGroupRowProcessId str The ID of the feature group row process.
createdAt str The timestamp this feature group row was created in ISO-8601 format.
updatedAt str The timestamp when this feature group row was last updated in ISO-8601 format.
startedAt str The timestamp when this feature group row process was started in ISO-8601 format.
completedAt str The timestamp when this feature group row was completed.
timeoutAt str The time the feature group row process will timeout.
retriesRemaining int The number of retries remaining for this feature group row process.
totalAttemptsAllowed int The total number of attempts allowed for this feature group row process.
status str The status of the feature group row process.
error str The error message if the status is FAILED.