Eda Feature Association between two features in the data.
KEY | TYPE | Description |
data | dict | the data to display the feature association between two features |
isScatter | bool | A Boolean that represents if the data creates a scatter plot (for cases of numerical data vs numerical data) |
isBoxWhisker | bool | A Boolean that represents if the data creates a box whisker plot (For cases of categorical data vs numerical data and vice versa) |
xAxis | str | Name of the feature selected for feature association (reference_feature_name) for x axis on the plot |
yAxis | str | Name of the feature selected for feature association (test_feature_name) for y axis on the plot |
xAxisColumnValues | list | Name of all the categories within the x_axis feature (if it is a categorical data type) |
yAxisColumnValues | list | Name of all the categories within the y_axis feature (if it is a categorical data type) |
dataColumns | list | A list of columns listed in the data as keys |