getDeploymentConversation GET
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Gets a deployment conversation.


No deploymentConversationId str Unique ID of the conversation. One of deployment_conversation_id or external_session_id must be provided.
No externalSessionId str External session ID of the conversation.
No deploymentId str The deployment this conversation belongs to. This is required if not logged in.
No filterIntermediateConversationEvents bool If true, intermediate conversation events will be filtered out. Default is true.
No getUnusedDocumentUploads bool If true, unused document uploads will be returned. Default is false.
Note: The arguments for the API methods follow camelCase but for Python SDK underscore_case is followed.


success Boolean true if the call succeeded, false if there was an error
result DeploymentConversation
KEY TYPE Description
deploymentConversationId str The unique identifier of the deployment conversation.
name str The name of the deployment conversation.
deploymentId str The deployment id associated with the deployment conversation.
createdAt str The timestamp at which the deployment conversation was created.
lastEventCreatedAt str The timestamp at which the most recent corresponding deployment conversation event was created at.
hasHistory bool Whether the deployment conversation has any history.
externalSessionId str The external session id associated with the deployment conversation.
regenerateAttempt int The sequence number of regeneration. Not regenerated if 0.
externalApplicationId str The external application id associated with the deployment conversation.
unusedDocumentUploadIds List[str] The list of unused document upload ids associated with the deployment conversation.
humanizeInstructions dict Instructions for humanizing the conversation.
conversationWarning str Extra text associated with the deployment conversation (to show it at the bottom of chatbot).
conversationType str The type of the conversation, which depicts the application it caters to.
metadata dict Additional backend information about the conversation.
llmDisplayName str The display name of the LLM model used to generate the most recent response. Only used for system-created bots.
llmBotIcon str The icon location of the LLM model used to generate the most recent response. Only used for system-created bots.
searchSuggestions List The list of search suggestions for the conversation.
chatllmTaskId str The chatllm task id associated with the deployment conversation.
history DeploymentConversationEvent The history of the deployment conversation.
KEY TYPE Description
role str The role of the message sender
text str The text of the message
timestamp str The timestamp at which the message was sent
messageIndex int The index of the message in the conversation
regenerateAttempt int The sequence number of regeneration. Not regenerated if 0.
modelVersion str The model instance id associated with the message.
searchResults dict The search results for the message.
isUseful bool Whether this message was marked as useful or not
feedback str The feedback provided for the message
feedbackType str The type of feedback provided for the message
docInfos list A list of information on the documents associated with the message
keywordArguments dict User message only. A dictionary of keyword arguments used to generate response.
inputParams dict User message only. A dictionary of input parameters used to generate response.
attachments list A list of attachments associated with the message.
responseVersion str The version of the response, used to differentiate w/ legacy agent response.
agentWorkflowNodeId str The workflow node id associated with the agent response.
nextAgentWorkflowNodeId str The id of the workflow node to be executed next.
chatType str The type of chat llm that was run for the message.
agentResponse dict Response from the agent. Only for conversation with agents.
error str The error message in case of an error.
segments list The segments of the message.
streamedData str Aggregated streamed messages from the agent.
streamedSectionData str Aggregated streamed section outputs from the agent in a list.
highlights dict Chunks with bounding boxes for highlighting the result sources.
llmDisplayName str The display name of the LLM model used to generate the response. Only used for system-created bots.
llmBotIcon str The icon location of the LLM model used to generate the response. Only used for system-created bots.
formResponse dict Contains form data response from the user when a Form Segment is given out by the bot.
routedLlm str The LLM that was chosen by RouteLLM to generate the response.
computePointsUsed int The number of compute points used for the message.
computerFiles list The list of files that were created by the computer agent.
toolUseRequest dict The tool use request for the message.
verificationSummary str The summary of the verification process for the message.



deploymentConversationId is not found.


externalSessionId is not found.


deploymentId is not found.
