Prediction Operator is a tool to make, adjust, or generate a prediction.
Prediction Operator consists of:
We will use a classic example of predicting iris species from an iris dataset in this example.
First, let's create a project that will make a prediction of species and deploy its model.
Then, we will update initialize function that will return average measurements by species in training data, (note that “fg” is passed as pandas dataframe and there is no need to convert it):
def initialize(fg):
return fg.groupby('species').mean().to_dict('index')
again while it is present in notebook)def predict(data, query):
from abacusai import ApiClient, ApiException
client = ApiClient()
project_id = 'your_project_id'
#check if data have required columns
missing_columns = set(['petal_length', 'petal_width', 'sepal_length', 'sepal_width']) - set(query.keys())
if missing_columns:
return client.evaluate_prompt(f'Tell that AI misses {missing_columns} columns to make a decision', temperature=0.5).content
#get deployment token
dep_token = client.list_deployment_tokens(project_id)[0]
#make prediction with model
predictions = client.predict(dep_token, 'dfjsaddf', query)
#convert it to the most probable specimen based on prediction
speciment = max(predictions['species'], key=predictions['species'].get)
#return answer enhanced by AI for readability
return client.evaluate_prompt(f'Tell that for parameters {query} AI thinks it is likely {speciment}. Usually this specimen average measurments are {data[speciment]}', temperature=0.5).content
fg = client.describe_feature_group_by_table_name('iris')
data = initialize(fg.load_as_pandas())
operator = client.update_prediction_operator_from_functions(
# If multiple, the order needs to match the initialize function
# choose one of 16, 32, 64 and 128
deployment = client.deploy_prediction_operator(prediction_operator_id=prediction_operator_id)
When the prediction operator is deployed, it is possible to check it inside the platform and get suggestions on Python/curl code for further usage inside the target platform. For this go to Deployments>Prediction API, select your Prediction Operator deployment in top dropout. Then you can change between python and curl API. You may use default values to see our check for values working, or try actual values like