These are the classes that are available in the Python SDK. Use the links below to learn more about each class.
An Abacus API.
AddressAddress object
AgentAn AI agent.
AgentChatMessageA single chat message with Agent Chat.
AgentConversationList of messages with Agent chat
AgentDataDocumentInfoInformation for documents uploaded to agents.
AgentDataExecutionResultResults of agent execution with uploaded data.
AgentVersionA version of an AI agent.
AiBuildingTaskA task for Data Science Co-pilot to help build AI.
AlgorithmCustomer created algorithm
AnnotationAn Annotation Store Annotation
AnnotationConfigAnnotation config for a feature group
AnnotationDocumentDocument to be annotated.
AnnotationEntryAn Annotation Store entry for an Annotation
AnnotationsStatusThe status of annotations for a feature group
ApiEndpointAn collection of endpoints which can be used to make requests to, such as api calls or predict calls
ApiKeyAn API Key to authenticate requests to the Abacus.AI API
AppUserGroupAn app user group. This is used to determine which users have permissions for external chatbots.
AppUserGroupSignInTokenUser Group Sign In Token
ApplicationConnectorA connector to an external service
AudioGenSettingsAudio generation settings
BatchPredictionMake batch predictions.
BatchPredictionVersionBatch Prediction Version
BatchPredictionVersionLogsLogs from batch prediction version.
BotInfoInformation about an external application and LLM.
CategoricalRangeViolationSummary of important range mismatches for a numerical feature discovered by a model monitoring instance
ChatllmTaskA chatllm task
ChatMessageA single chat message with Abacus Chat.
ChatSessionA chat session with Abacus Data Science Co-pilot.
ChatllmReferralInviteThe response of the Chatllm Referral Invite for different emails
CodeAgentResponseA response from a Code Agent
CodeAutocompleteResponseA autocomplete response from an LLM
CodeBotA bot option for CodeLLM
NlpChatResponseA chat response from an LLM
CodeEditA code edit response from an LLM
CodeEditResponseA code edit response from an LLM
CodeEditsA code edit response from an LLM
CodeSourceCode source for python-based custom feature groups and models
ComputePointInfoThe compute point info of the organization
ConcatenationConfigFeature Group Concatenation Config
ConstantsAutocompleteResponseA dictionary of constants to be used in the autocomplete.
CustomChatInstructionsCustom Chat Instructions
CustomLossFunctionCustom Loss Function
CustomMetricCustom metric.
CustomMetricVersionCustom metric version
CustomTrainFunctionInfoInformation about how to call the customer provided train function.
DataConsistencyDuplicationData Consistency for duplication within data
DataMetricsProcessed Metrics and Schema for a dataset version or feature group version
DataPrepLogsLogs from data preparation.
DataQualityResultsData Quality results from normalization stage
DataUploadResultResults of uploading data to agent.
DatabaseColumnFeatureMappingMapping for export of feature group version to database column
DatabaseConnectorA connector to an external service
DatabaseConnectorColumnA schema description for a column from a database connector
DatabaseConnectorSchemaA schema description for a table from a database connector
DatasetA dataset reference
DatasetColumnA schema description for a column
DatasetVersionA specific version of a dataset
DatasetVersionLogsLogs from dataset version.
DeploymentA model deployment
DeploymentAuthTokenA deployment authentication token that is used to authenticate prediction requests
DeploymentConversationA deployment conversation.
DeploymentConversationEventA single deployment conversation message.
DeploymentConversationExportA deployment conversation html export, to be used for downloading the conversation.
DeploymentStatisticsA set of statistics for a realtime deployment.
DocumentDataData extracted from a docstore document.
DocumentRetrieverA vector store that stores embeddings for a list of document trunks.
DocumentRetrieverLookupResultResult of a document retriever lookup.
DocumentRetrieverVersionA version of document retriever.
DriftDistributionHow actuals or predicted values have changed in the training data versus predicted data
DriftDistributionsFor either actuals or predicted values, how it has changed in the training data versus some specified window
EdaA exploratory data analysis object
EdaChartDescriptionEda Chart Description.
EdaCollinearityEda Collinearity of the latest version of the data between all the features.
EdaDataConsistencyEda Data Consistency, contained the duplicates in the base version, Comparison version, Deletions between the base and comparison and feature transformations between the base and comparison data.
EdaFeatureAssociationEda Feature Association between two features in the data.
EdaFeatureCollinearityEda Collinearity of the latest version of the data for a given feature.
EdaForecastingAnalysisEda Forecasting Analysis of the latest version of the data.
EdaVersionA version of an eda object
EmbeddingFeatureDriftDistributionFeature distribution for embeddings
ExecuteFeatureGroupOperationThe result of executing a SQL query
ExternalApplicationAn external application.
ExternalInviteThe response of the invites for different emails
ExtractedFieldsThe fields extracted from a document.
FeatureA feature in a feature group
FeatureDistributionFor a single feature, how it has changed in the training data versus some specified window
FeatureDriftRecordValue of each type of drift
FeatureDriftSummarySummary of important model monitoring statistics for features available in a model monitoring instance
FeatureGroupA feature group.
FeatureGroupDocumentA document of a feature group.
FeatureGroupExportA feature Group Export Job
FeatureGroupExportConfigExport configuration (file connector or database connector information) for feature group exports.
FeatureGroupRefreshExportConfigA Feature Group Connector Export Config outlines the export configuration for a feature group.
FeatureGroupExportDownloadUrlA Feature Group Export Download Url, which is used to download the feature group version
IndexingConfigThe indexing config for a Feature Group
FeatureGroupLineageDirected acyclic graph of feature group lineage for all feature groups in a project
FeatureGroupRowA row of a feature group.
FeatureGroupRowProcessA feature group row process
FeatureGroupRowProcessLogsLogs for the feature group row process.
FeatureGroupRowProcessSummaryA summary of the feature group processes for a deployment.
FeatureGroupTemplateA template for creating feature groups.
FeatureGroupTemplateVariableOptionsFeature Group Template Variable Options
FeatureGroupVersionA materialized version of a feature group
FeatureGroupVersionLogsLogs from feature group version.
FeatureImportanceFeature importance for a specified model monitor
FeatureMappingA description of the data use for a feature
FeaturePerformanceAnalysisA feature performance analysis for Monitor
FeatureRecordA feature record
SchemaA schema description for a feature
FileConnectorVerification result for an external storage service
FileConnectorInstructionsAn object with a full description of the cloud storage bucket authentication options and bucket policy. Returns an error message if the parameters are invalid.
FileConnectorVerificationTo verify the file connector
FinetunedPretrainedModelA finetuned pretrained model
ForecastingAnalysisGraphDataForecasting Analysis Graph Data representation.
ForecastingMonitorItemAnalysisForecasting Monitor Item Analysis of the latest version of the data.
ForecastingMonitorSummaryForecasting Monitor Summary of the latest version of the data.
FunctionLogsLogs from an invocation of a function.
GeneratedPitFeatureConfigOptionThe options to display for possible generated PIT aggregation functions
GraphDashboardA Graph Dashboard
HoldoutAnalysisA holdout analysis object.
HoldoutAnalysisVersionA holdout analysis version object.
HostedModelTokenA hosted model authentication token that is used to authenticate requests to an abacus hosted model
HumeVoiceHume Voice
ImageGenSettingsImage generation settings
InferredDatabaseColumnToFeatureMappingsAutocomplete mappings for database to connector columns
InferredFeatureMappingsA description of the data use for a feature
ItemStatisticsItemStatistics representation.
LlmAppAn LLM App that can be used for generation. LLM Apps are specifically crafted to help with certain tasks like code generation or question answering.
LlmCodeBlockParsed code block from an LLM response
LlmExecutionPreviewPreview of executing queries using LLM.
LlmExecutionResultResults of executing queries using LLM.
LlmGeneratedCodeCode generated by LLM.
LlmInputThe result of encoding an object as input for a language model.
LlmParametersThe parameters of LLM for given inputs.
LlmResponseThe response returned by LLM
MemoryOptionsThe overall memory options for executing a job
CpuGpuMemorySpecsIncludes the memory specs of the CPU/GPU
MessagingConnectorResponseThe response to view label data for Teams
ModelA model
ModelArtifactsExportA Model Artifacts Export Job
ModelBlueprintExportModel Blueprint
ModelBlueprintStageA stage in the model blueprint export process.
ModelLocationProvide location information for the plug-and-play model.
ModelMetricsMetrics of the trained model.
ModelMonitorA model monitor
ModelMonitorOrgSummaryA summary of an organization's model monitors
ModelMonitorSummaryA summary of model monitor
ModelMonitorSummaryFromOrgA summary of model monitor given an organization
ModelMonitorVersionA version of a model monitor
ModelMonitorVersionMetricDataData for displaying model monitor version metric data
ModelTrainingTypeForDeploymentModel training types for deployment.
ModelUploadA model version that includes the upload identifiers for the various required files.
ModelVersionA version of a model
ModelVersionFeatureGroupSchemaSchema for a feature group used in model version
ModificationLockInfoInformation about a modification lock for a certain object
ModuleCustomer created python module
MonitorAlertA Monitor Alert
MonitorAlertVersionA monitor alert version
MonitorDriftAndDistributionsSummary of important model monitoring statistics for features available in a model monitoring instance
NaturalLanguageExplanationNatural language explanation of an artifact/object
NestedFeatureA nested feature in a feature group
NestedFeatureSchemaA schema description for a nested feature
NewsSearchResultA single news search result.
NotebookCompletionThe result of a notebook code completion request
NotebookTemplateA template for notebooks.
NullViolationSummary of anomalous null frequencies for a feature discovered by a model monitoring instance
OrganizationExternalApplicationSettingsThe External Application Settings for an Organization.
OrganizationGroupAn Organization Group. Defines the permissions available to the users who are members of the group.
OrganizationSearchResultA search result object which contains the retrieved artifact and its relevance score
OrganizationSecretOrganization secret
PageDataData extracted from a docstore page.
PipelineA Pipeline For Steps.
PipelineReferenceA reference to a pipeline to the objects it is run on.
PipelineStepA step in a pipeline.
PipelineStepVersionA version of a pipeline step.
PipelineStepVersionReferenceA reference from a pipeline step version to the versions that were output from the pipeline step.
PipelineVersionA version of a pipeline.
PipelineVersionLogsLogs for a given pipeline version.
PlaygroundTextThe text content inside of a playground segment.
PointInTimeFeatureA point-in-time feature description
PointInTimeFeatureInfoA point-in-time infos for a feature
PointInTimeGroupA point in time group containing point in time features
PointInTimeGroupFeatureA point in time group feature
PredictionDatasetBatch Input Datasets
PredictionFeatureGroupBatch Input Feature Group
PredictionInputBatch inputs
PredictionLogRecordA Record for a prediction request log.
PredictionOperatorA prediction operator.
PredictionOperatorVersionA prediction operator version.
ProblemTypeDescription of a problem type which is the common underlying problem for different use cases.
ProjectA project is a container which holds datasets, models and deployments
ProjectConfigProject-specific config for a feature group
ProjectFeatureGroupA feature group along with project specific mappings
ProjectFeatureGroupSchemaA schema description for a project feature group
ProjectValidationA validation result for a project
PythonFunctionCustomer created python function
PythonPlotFunctionCreate a Plot for a Dashboard
RangeViolationSummary of important range mismatches for a numerical feature discovered by a model monitoring instance
RealtimeMonitorA real-time monitor
RefreshPipelineRunThis keeps track of the overall status of a refresh. A refresh can span multiple resources such as the creation of new dataset versions and the training of a new model version based on them.
RefreshPolicyA Refresh Policy describes the frequency at which one or more datasets/models/deployments/batch_predictions can be updated.
RefreshScheduleA refresh schedule for an object. Defines when the next version of the object will be created
RegenerateLlmExternalApplicationAn external application that specifies an LLM user can regenerate with in RouteLLM.
ResolvedFeatureGroupTemplateFinal SQL from resolving a feature group template.
RoutingActionRouting action
SftpKeyAn SFTP key
ProjectFeatureGroupSchemaVersionA version of a schema
PipelineStepVersionLogsLogs for a given pipeline step version.
StreamingAuthTokenA streaming authentication token that is used to authenticate requests to append data to streaming datasets
StreamingConnectorA connector to an external service
StreamingRowCountReturns the number of rows in a streaming feature group from the specified time
StreamingSampleCodeSample code for adding to a streaming feature group with examples from different locations.
TemplateNodeDetailsDetails about WorkflowGraphNode object and notebook code for adding template nodes in workflow.
TestPointPredictionsTest Point Predictions
ToneDetailsTone details for audio
TrainingConfigOptionsTraining options for a model
TwitterSearchResultA single twitter search result.
UploadA Upload Reference for uploading file parts
UploadPartUnique identifiers for a part
UseCaseA Project Use Case
UseCaseRequirementsUse Case Requirements
UserAn Abacus.AI User
UserExceptionException information for errors in usercode.
VideoGenSettingsVideo generation settings
VideoSearchResultA single video search result.
VoiceGenDetailsVoice generation details
WebPageResponseA scraped web page response
WebSearchResponseResult of running a web search with optional content fetching.
WebSearchResultA single search result.
WebhookA Abacus.AI Webhook attached to an endpoint and event trigger for a given object.
WorkflowGraphNodeDetailsA workflow graph node in the workflow graph.
WorkflowNodeTemplateA workflow node template.